Fitbit Review – Getting Ready for WDW!

I’ve had a Fitbit Charge HR for about three weeks now.  I’d wanted one for a long time, but was hesitant about spending the money – I want to lose a few pounds and keep track of my diet and exercise, but I was certain I could rely on free diet and fitness apps to get the job done.  I was wrong.Fitbit App

Fitbit Review – Getting Ready for WDW!

After packing on the pounds stress eating this year, I was down to some pretty slim pickings in my closet.  I do NOT want to buy bigger clothes.  I know when I’m at a certain weight I feel great and am comfortable in both my own skin and all the clothes in my closet.  I was ready to be that weight again, but lacked the right motivation to get there.  We’re also getting ready for a Walt Disney World vacation right after Christmas – I want to be prepared for all the walking involved!  Enter the Fitbit Charge HR.Fitbit Charge HR

As a birthday gift, it might not sound very exciting, but Raymond knows me well and he knows when I’m not happy with myself, I’m like Alice in Wonderland and I lose my “muchness”.  Ramping up my exercise and dropping the extra pounds is the solution for what’s dragging me down.  The best thing about a Fitbit is that it’s very much a one-stop shop for tracking activity, sleep, heartrate, calories in and out, and even water intake.Fitbit-App-Tracking

So, a few weeks in and I’ve been very diligent about utilizing all the features to the fullest extent.  I let the app know my weigh loss goals and it automatically determines my calorie goal each day – which differs based on my activity.  I pay more attention to the amount and quality of sleep I’m getting – how this device knows exactly how many minutes I’m sleeping along with the number of times I wake up or am restless is mysterious and COOL to me!  I added friends within the app who also use Fitbit to see how my daily steps compare to theirs.  The app even awards badges when certain mileage or flights-of-stairs milestones are reached.  I’m just a bit competitive, so these features are perfect for me!Fitbit Badges

The result?  My daily running mileage is up – which is great since I’ve got the Glass Slipper Challenge ahead of me in February.  I’ve lost 8 pounds so far, which is about 1/3 of my goal and I feel like my willpower has gotten a much-needed injection of strength.  It’s early days yet,  but the features and benefits of my Fitbit have been worth what Raymond paid for it.

Do I feel like I can keep going? Absolutely!  I’ll let you know when I’ve reached my goal.

Do you have a Fitbit? How’s it been working for you?

Glass Slipper Challenge Prep

Running-Race-BibsThe Disney Princess Half Marathon Weekend kicks off in just 75 days.  This fall, my son, Joseph, has been my faithful training buddy – I’m seriously indebted to him!  Long run after long run, Joe’s been there for me all the way.  Every time I asked him to train for and run a race with me, he said yes.  We ran 5K’s a 10K and a half marathon – his first, on November 15th.  All to help me get ready for a special weekend in February – one that he will not be attending.  That alone has made me feel especially loved!  I’ve invited him to join me in 2017 and, of course, he said yes.

Today for the Friday Five, I thought I’d list my five favorite training necessities for…

Glass Slipper Challenge Prep

The Glass Slipper Challenge invites runners to complete both the Enchanted 10K and the Princess Half Marathon.  It comes with an extra medal – and a great sense of accomplishment.  You can read about my 2015 experience here (10K) and here (Half Marathon).

Here are my five most important training necessities:Running-Through-History

A Strong Support System – Joseph keeps me company and encourages me on long runs while Raymond gets us to our favorite route.  Every weekend, at least once (sometimes twice), we drive 45 minutes to the Vicksburg National Military Park to run while Raymond rides his bicycle.  We have no hills where we live (unless you count overpasses), but the park is extremely runner and cyclist-friendly while offering a variety of options for racking up hilly mileage.Running-Nike-Fans

The Right Shoes – I’m a Nike fan.  Over the years I’ve tried some other brands to consistently disappointing results.  I’ve had my gait analyzed to determine the best brand for me and…Nike!  I buy a whole size up and add my favorite Lynco orthotics.  No matter what brand of shoe you like the best, it’s super important that you have good footwear for training and racing.  Be sure to buy a new pair every 300-500 miles.  I keep a training log that helps me keep track of mileage – otherwise, I’d keep the same pair of shoes forever.Running-Age-Group-Award-Winners

Excellent Socks – The older I get, the more this matters.  I have more trouble with my feet than I do with any other running ailment.  I’m picky about my socks!  Hands down (LOL), my feet are much happier when I’m wearing my Balega Socks – I swear by these babies for all long runs and races.  I found them five years ago (Raymond bought me my first pair) and have been a huge fan ever since.Running-Age-Group-Awards-5K

A Training Plan – There are excellent plans for every race distance available free on the internet – find and follow one that’s right for you based on your level of running experience.  Having the proper base mileage is as important as building your weekly mileage gradually to avoid injury.  Pick a plan and stick with it!Running-Dirty-South-Half-Marathon

Happy Listening – There’s no way I could log all the necessary training miles without my favorite tunes and podcasts.  I typically start with a podcast episode or two then switch to music for the last third of my long runs.  I’m not sure how or why that works best for me, but it’s now part of my routine and I have to do it that way.  Sometimes Joseph and I ditch our ear buds and just listen to my iPhone out loud together.  which reminds me – get a good armband phone holder.

Your turn!  I’d love to hear about your must-have training items.  Also, if you’ve got any costume suggestions for me (I’m not into sparkly tutus or princess-y themes), I’d appreciate the help!


Training for the 2016 Princess Half Marathon

RM-Joe-and-Lisa-5K-Pre-Race-FeetWhile running is a very popular sport here in Louisiana (and maybe where you live), I hang around with plenty of non-runners and take a fair amound of ribbing about my love for taking to the road on foot.  “But what are you running FROM?” I get asked.  People also wonder if I’m worried about my knees or hips.  I’m much more worried about my heart and brain since those cannot be replaced – I’m actually running from bad genes.  Exercise is good for me and running is my cardio of choice for a variety of reasons, not the least of which is that running takes no eye-hand coordination.  Good for me, since I don’t have any.

This fall has been a standout running season for me!  Not because I’m running faster, but because I’ve had company on my long runs.  This is HUGE if you’ve ever had to run in the Louisiana heat and humidity alone for miles and miles.  Joseph started running with me after I talked him into participating in the Dirty South Half Marathon, which will be his first (coming up November 15th).

Megan and Lisa - Post run rest

Megan and Lisa – Post run rest

Megan jumped in for a few weeks leading up to her wedding when she was worried about pre-wedding weight gain (silly girl).  What fun we had talking about the wedding and the future!  Joseph and I ran together on the morning of Megan’s wedding – helped us both with nerves.

Joseph and Lisa - Megan's Wedding Day

Joseph and Lisa – Megan’s Wedding Day

Training for the 2016 Princess Half Marathon

Since August, Joseph and I have run the local Komen Race for the Cure and another 5K, the Dine and Dash/Walk and Wobble, during the North Delta Food and Wine Festival.  RM-Joe-and-Lisa-Dine-and-DashOur next race, this Saturday, is a 10K – the Grin and Bear It (a nod to the Louisiana Black Bear).  The course is flat and fast and I’m hoping for a great time to use as my proof of time for the Princess Half Marathon in February.  Corral placement for the Princess is based on proof of time and I made it to corral “F” this year – I’m hoping for a repeat.  If my time’s not great, I’ll still have the Dirty South Half for a proof of time – just two days before the cutoff.

One of the best things about running with someone has been finding cool things to look at along the way – so much more fun when there’s another person to share it with.  RM-Run-Course-Garden-Spider RM-Run-Course-Caterpillar RM-Run-Course-MillipedeWe’ve seen some incredible insects, huge spiders, plenty of deer, tiny lizards, and, on more than one occasion, snakes.  First Megan and I came across a very full and sluggish rattle snake.  RM-Meg-and-Rattle-SnakeMore recently, Joseph and I were nearly finished with 9 miles when a small pine snake actually struck at Joseph as we ran by.  RM-Running-Vicksburg-Pine-SnakeThat’ll make you run faster for a minute – we did go back to take the spunky little guy’s picture – he was pretty cool.

Are you training for a race?  What training moments have been your favorite?  If you’ll be at the Princess Half, be sure to let me know!

I’m in Shape! (If Rectangle Counts)

IMG_0593Lately, I’ve been the least motivated to move than I have in the past 15 years.  I’ve found the living room sofa to be much more to my liking than at previous times in my life.  A fluffy, cuddly pooch, the remote control, social media friends via smart phone, those Lip Sync Battle YouTube videos – honestly, who can blame me for drifting dangerously close to full fledged Couch Potato status?

I blame stress, I blame exhaustion, I blame Junior (aforementioned cuddly pooch), and I blame Disney bloggers and podcast hosts for making my Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram feeds much too interesting to ignore.  Alas, I’m…a blob.  Or a block.  Yes, block would be most accurate.  My waistline’s expanded, my muscles have become un-toned, and, while I’m still running, it’s at a mighty leisurely pace I should probably classify as “mosey”.  Why am I telling you this?  Accountability.  I’ve got to do something other than make excuses (I’ve reached expert level!) and you guys will (hopefully) support me in my endeavor to get back on track!  I don’t need much, a bit of sympathy, camaraderie, encouragement maybe?Junior-on-my-shoulder

This has been the strangest year – full of both happy, exciting events and heartbreakingly sad ones…in unprecedented numbers!   The ups and downs have been a convenient way to keep from looking too closely at how I haven’t been focusing on healthy choices.  Physical activity and clean eating were once top of mind!  Justification for NOT exercising (as much) combined with increased indulgence in comfort foods has taken a toll!  I’m sluggish, heavy, and disappointed.  I deserve better than this.  From me.General Dis Pics 11.13 070

Many of you have been following along on my Disney adventures for almost two years.  You’ve regularly offered your insights on the various topics I’ve thrown out for discussion.  I’m hoping you’ll join me again now as I set out to meet some modest (but important) goals.  Should you be inclined to set some goals of your own, I promise to cheer you on!

Between now and November 15th…

  • I will lose 10 pounds (at least).
  • I will be trained and ready to run my 7th half marathon on November 15th.  (To prep for the Princess Half in February, 2016)
  • I will add 10 minutes (or more) of resistance training to my workouts.
  • I will run or bicycle no fewer than six days a week.

That’s it.  I’ll keep you posted.  If you decide to join me and want to share goals, swap progress reports, and be my fitness buddy, shout out to me over on Living a Disney Life’s Facebook page.  I hope to see you there!