Road to runDisney and Bulu Box

***This is a sponsored post that contains affiliate links.  I received a free Bulu Box in exchange for writing a review.***  That being said, the following is a completely honest review.

Bulu Box EndYou might have already noticed I’ve developed a passion for both runDisney events and subscription boxes.  Usually, where I’m concerned, the two are pretty much mutually exclusive.  I’m working toward my second Glass Slipper Challenge during the Princess Half Marathon Weekend at Walt Disney World in 2016 (February 20th & 21st).  Gaining optimum fitness and weight management are important goals for me.  I might have mentioned a time or two about how, once you reach a certain age, weight just seems to jump onto you – no matter how hard you try to eat right.  Not gonna lie – it sucks!

Enter the Bulu Box.  As a Fit Approach #SweatPink Ambassador, I get the chance to apply for a variety of sponsored post opportunities.  Due to my crazy busy life, I apply for very few, but recently the opportunity to review a Bulu Box arrived by email and I got excited!  I’ve not subscribed to any subscription boxes other than fashion/clothing boxes and the one for Junior’s dog treat obsession…but, the chance to receive a complimentary subscription box that promotes healthy living?  Perfect!!!  I didn’t even know such a thing existed.Bulu Box Contents

The beauty of the Bulu Box is that it’s a sample box that gives you the opportunity to try different healthy-lifestyle based products .  Why this is perfect for me (and my family) is that I don’t want to drop major money for a full-sized product without finding out if we like it first.  Have you seen how expensive a container of protein powder is?  What if it tastes horrible or is grainy-textured?  Money down the drain (literally).  What if that bargain box of protein bars at my local discount store are too sweet or taste like cardboard?  Again, waste of money!

So what was in my complimentary Bulu Box?  A wide variety of awesomeness!Quest Protein

  • TWO packets of protein powder to try (Quest Protein Powder Packets $54.99/30 servings, four flavors available).  I find certain protein shakes work very well at controlling my hunger.  This one sounds delicious.
  • A sample jar of anti-itch cream (Earth’s Care, $11.99 for 2.4 oz. full-sized product) is perfect for our household – the wasps, mosquitos, and red (a.k.a fire) ants are in full attack mode this time of year.Movit Energy Gummies
  • Long a fan of gummies for energy, especially while running, the sample package included in the Bulu Box of Movit Energy Gummies caused Raymond and I to have a mini-debate over who needed them most (full-size retail, $15.99, 60 calories per serving).mediterra bar
  • I was also stoked to find a nutrition bar that is savory instead of sweet!  Initially this sounded strange, but since I’m always outspoken about my lack of a sweet tooth, a savory bar seems custom-made for me!  They also come in sweet versions. (Mediterra Nutritional Bars, full-sized retail, $23.95/12 bars)Yerba Prima Drink Mix
  • Finally, a sample of fiber-filled, orange-flavored drink mix reminded me that I often don’t get enough fiber (I know, TMI) and might find such a  product helpful. (Yerba Prima Daily Fiber Formula, $14.64 for full-sized bottle).

Bulu Box’s online shop is the perfect place to pick up nutrition, fitness, and weight loss/management products.  The subscription box is a great way to try out different products at an economical, free of any commitment-to-full-sized-product-expense way to try an impressive array of products.  Have I purchased a subscription?  You bet I have.  One subscription box that allows our active family to try-before-we-buy a wide variety of healthy products?  Perfect!!!

Bottom Line:  Bulu Box subscriptions are for health-and-fitness-minded people who want to try before they buy!

If you’re interested in a Bulu Box subscription for your family, use the code SWEATPINK to receive 50% off a 3, 6, or 12 month subscription.  As a Bulu Box subscriber, “you’ll receive 4-5 vitamin, supplement and healthy snack samples to try.  Every sample in Bulu box is also available in full-size in the Bulu Box shop”.  (There’s also a rewards program for subscribers.)

I’m out of control with subscription boxes!  Which are your favorites?



My Disney Life in a Countdown Calendar

Days to Go AppStep closer and listen to my story.  I don’t usually share bundles of personal information here at Living a Disney Life, but for this Friday Five, I’m going to have to.  Share, I mean.  See, I’ve been skipping a day or two of posting in recent weeks and that trend might continue (or worsen) for a little bit longer.  It’s not that I’ve run out of Disney stuff to write about – I’m pretty sure that might be impossible.  And it’s not you, I promise.  You guys have been great!  Your comments, tweets, Instagram and Facebook likes – that’s all been wonderful!  It’s me, honest!  I’ve been a tiny bit preoccupied.  Let me explain…

My Disney Life in a Countdown Calendar

In 29 days, I’ll be something I’ve never been before.  Kind of a short-term but life-changing gig, really.  I’ll be a Mother of the Bride.  A responsibility I’m taking very seriously.  It’s going to be a great wedding full of special, magical details I cannot wait to share with you.  After that, I’ll have yet another new role as a mother-in-law.  Since we’re crazy about our future son-in-law, that seems like a pretty good deal.  Megan’s going to be a beautiful bride and I’m sure I’m going to cry my eyes out!  You can probably guess where the happy couple will be going on their honeymoon.Mr.-and-Mrs.-Disney-Wedding-Pins

In 93 days, I’ll be running my 7th half-marathon.  I’m looking forward to it because our son, Joseph, will be running with me and this will be his first half marathon.  To be perfectly honest, I’m not very motivated to do the actual training for this race.  I’m hoping my attitude will change once the weather cools off a bit.  Someday, I’m hoping Joseph and Megan will both enter a runDisney race with me.  I’ll cross the finish line just in time to celebrate!  In 94 days, I’ll turn…well, let’s not discuss my birthday.  I’m having another one.  ‘Nuff said.

In 134 days, I’ll be at Walt Disney World!  Christmas will be over by then, but the spirit of the season will be everywhere at Disney World and Raymond and I will be soaking it up.  All those gorgeous decorations!  Wrapping up 2015 – for our family, an eventful year of both happy and sad occasions – Disney style.Christmastime at Walt Disney World

In 188 days, we’ll be headed to Walt Disney World again, but this time to meet up with my Disney Exchange Podcast co-hosts for runDisney’s Princess Half Marathon Weekend.  I’ve registered for the Glass Slipper Challenge (10k on Saturday, half-marathon Sunday) and Nick and Dave will be running (okay, Nick will be walking) the 10k with me.  I’m pretty stoked about this!!!  If you’re planning to be there, be sure to watch the podcast’s website or Facebook page for meet-up details!RM-Lisa-and-Glass-Slipper-Sign

191 days to go before we board the Disney Dream for a bit of rest and relaxation on a 4-night cruise to the Bahamas.  In Nassau, we aren’t planning to leave the ship – I’m planning to just rest and recover from the very action-packed Princess Half-Marathon Weekend and enjoy some guilt-free Disney cruise dining!

I’ve got no complaints.  I’m excited!  I’ve just got a lot in the works right now.  Bridal showers, rehearsal dinner, wedding, running, holidays, Disney, more running and finally, the grand finale, floating around with nothing to do.  I appreciate each of you for visiting me here, for your kind words, good-natured teasing, excellent debates, and steadfast support.  In 73 days, Living a Disney Life will be two years old…I could never have come this far without you.

How many days until your next Disney vacation?  Where are you going?




Five Things I’ve Learned From Running

Princess-Half-RunnersIn just a couple of months, registration will open for Walt Disney World’s Princess Half Marathon Weekend events.  I’m excited about it!  I’ll be returning again for the Glass Slipper Challenge in February, but this time I won’t be running alone.  Nick and Dave, my buddies (and co-hosts) from The Disney Exchange Podcast are planning to be there and we’re inviting you to come along for the running or at least a meet-up.  So if you’re thinking about a 2016 runDisney event or a February Disney vacation – we want to see you there!

For today’s Friday Five, I want to talk about running.  (You can read about why I run in this post.)  I’m now in my 18th year of running (Yikes!  I sound ancient!) and while I’m certainly no expert on the sport of running, I have learned a thing or two about me, and life in general, by continually putting one foot in front of the other and while I’m certain there are other items that could be on this list, I’ll just share some random thoughts on…

Five Things I’ve Learned From Running

1.  Body Type Means Nothing.  I have a long torso, short limbs and on a tall day I reach 5 feet, 4 inches in height.  I don’t look like a runner – at least not to me, since I think of tall, skinny people as having the perfect running physique.  Thinking this is silly – I’ve passed plenty of taller and thinner runners in many events and I’ve had my butt kicked by people who were shorter and heavier than I am.  Never let body image issues hold you back – if you want to be a runner, you can be.Princess-Half-Gaston-Runner

2. There Will be Pain.  Running’s a lot like life – There will be perfect, beautiful days of complete happiness.  And there will be pain and crushing disappointment.  If there’s a common running ailment, I’ve probably experienced it at least once, but that’s not the pain I’m talking about.  There’s physical pain with running, sure – sometimes it’s the “good” pain of knowing you’re really working hard and are pushing your limits for speed or distance, but there’s also emotional pain.  Probably the most important and useful lessons I’ve learned from running involve overcoming negative emotions.  When my inner voice is telling me to quit (“you’re tired, you’ve gone far enough, it’s too humid for this today, let’s get something to eat, this shirt’s rubbing my arm, you can run again tomorrow”), it’s hard to convince myself to keep going.  In the early years, negative thoughts kept me from doing my best much more often than physical pain or injury.Princess-Half-Tomorrowland

3.  Running requires no eye-hand coordination.  Tennis is not for me.  Golf just brings the rage.  Running is as easy as walking (maybe not at first, but it gets better).  While I may be unable to throw or catch or hit a ball with any kind of sports equipment, I am extremely competitive.  Running lets me compete against myself everyday.  Then, I can enter races if I want to see how my hard work stacks up against others.  Training hard pays off and that’s never more evident than when I push myself running.  Running relieves stress and gives me time to think, plan, and focus on the day ahead.  There are also great places to be explored, one step at a time.Princess-Half-Corral-F

4. Nike’s “Just Do It” is the best motto!  There are millions of excuses for why staying on the couch is the best decision of the day.  Believe me, I know from personal experience for the first 33 years of my life.  Running isn’t always easy or fun, but I’ve only ever regretted NOT running.  I’ve never gone for a run and when I came home thought, “I wish I hadn’t done that”.  I’ve run in sleet and rain, in the heat, the cold, the dark – it’s not always easy to walk out the door or climb on the dreaded, boring treadmill, but reminding myself to “Just Do It” seems to do the trick.  This also applies to many other unpleasant tasks in life!RM-Stitch-Meet-and-Greet

5.  Support is a critical element to success.  As with nearly everything we do, having someone cheering you on makes running better.  Without the support of my husband, Raymond (Thanks, Honey!), I could never have accomplished many of my goals.  He got the kids to school solo every morning for years so I could go to the gym, he’s been my coach, my bicycle mechanic (and custom-builder), my time-keeper, course explorer, pep-talker, well-wisher, travel-buddy and, with rare exception, has never missed a big race.  Hearing him say, “You’re doing great!” at just the right moment has helped me push myself harder on more occassions than I can count.  Whether it’s a group of work-out friends, your spouse, your mom or dad, your children or your coworkers, find a support system to keep you motivated.  When all else fails, one good support person can make all the difference!

Fellow runners!!!  Is anyone going to Princess Half weekend?  What’s the most important lesson you’ve learned from running?

Dawn & Dusk at Walt Disney World

RM-Sunset-Seven-Seas-LagoonWith so many gorgeous and captivating Disney details everywhere at Disney World, it’s often hard to notice the spectacular beginnings and endings to the day provided naturally by the Sunshine State.  Early mornings are often missed getting ready to hit the parks for rope-drop and early evenings are completely ignored in favor of delicious meals in a favorite restaurant.  Once I notice what I was missing, I started making it a point to pause and appreciate those breathtaking moments I’d been ignoring.

Some amazing sights are afforded by Dawn & Dusk at Walt Disney World – here are five of my favorites:

Sunrise over Bay Lake:  Peaceful, misty, and absolutely gorgeous, watching the sun rise on Bay Lake is one of my favorite activities when I’m lucky enough to get a lake view room in Bay Lake Tower.  RM-Sunrise-Bay-Lake-Tower RM-Sunrise-Bay-Lake-Shore RM-Sunrise-Bay-LakeAt first, the scene looks as still as a post card picture, but shore birds are waking for the day and boats are soon moving across the water.  I just soak it all in while sipping a cup of coffee – it’s the kind of quiet time every great vacation should include.

Sunset over the Seven Seas Lagoon:  A window seat in the California Grill is a great vantage point for some gorgeous sunset viewing.  RM-Sunset-From-California-Grill RM-Sunset-Over-Seven-Seas-LagoonBut the walkway between the Contemporary Resort and Bay Lake Tower works just as well (first pictures on this page were shot there).  Absolutely worth taking the time to enjoy!

Sunrise on the road to (or from) the Magic Kingdom:  You might not have to enter a runDisney race to catch the particular beauty, but that’s how I saw some pretty awesome sights.  RM-Sunrise-runDisney-road-past-BLT RM-Sunrise-runDisney-Princess-HalfRM-Sunrise-Magic-KingdomDuring the Princess Half Marathon, I was a tiny bit too late to see the sun rise on Cinderella Castle, but if you’re planning on attending the next 24-Hour event, be sure not to miss that!  I bet it’s incredible.

Sunrise over the World Showcase Lagoon:  Again, I was in Epcot before the sun came up for a runDisney event, but I had to stop and take a picture when I saw how still and beautiful everything looked in the early morning light.  RM-Sunrise-World-Showcase-Lagoon RM-Sunrise-Boardwalk-AreaThe sunrise is also very beautiful in the Boardwalk, Beach Club, Yacht Club area – and except for my fellow runners, very few people were out and about to enjoy the view.

Sunset at Animal Kingdom Lodge.  I’m sorry I don’t have more pictures to share.  To me, there’s something very special about this resort any time of the day, but as the sun is slowly sinking, the buildings glow and it’s easy to feel as if you’ve been transported to Africa.  RM-Sunset-AKL RM-Sunset-Animal-Kingdom-LodgeBook a dinner reservation at one of the Lodge’s fantastic restaurants and plan to catch the sunset!

Your turn!  What are your favorite places to catch the views of dawn or dusk at Disney World?