What’s Happening with Your Favorite Facebook Pages?

FB Save 3A public service announcement from your friends at Living a Disney Life:

What is happening to your favorite (“LIKED”) pages on Facebook?  I’ll tell you why you may not be seeing much of them these days.  If you have “Liked” pages on Facebook, but you haven’t pressed the like button (or commented) on specific posts for those pages, Facebook is going to stop sharing your favorite pages’ updates with you.

So, unless you’ve recently interacted with this very page, you’re probably not even seeing this post!  Luckily, there’s a way to make sure you don’t miss any updates from your favorite pages.  Simply go to the pages you LIKE, hover over the LIKE button – when a drop-down menu appears, check “receive notifications”…just that easy.  You can see in my illustration that I’ve completed the steps for one of my personal favorite Disney pages – Tips From the Disney Divas and Devos.  If you haven’t visited them yet, be sure to check them out either on Facebook or at the website:  Tipsfromthedisneydiva.com.

Thank you for listening.