Junior The Wonder Dog Turns Five

Junior-looking-sneakyQuite some time ago, I introduced you to my BFF (Best Furry Friend), Henry Jones, Jr. – a.k.a. “Junior”.  I’ve never known anyone like Junior before and words cannot begin to describe the fun we have together.  He’s a great family member, full of zest for life along with a healthy dose of concern for our well-being…especially when the doorbell rings or a delivery vehicle pulls into the driveway.Junior-upside-down

This month, our four-legged, good-natured, sweet-tempered, super-patient, cookie-loving family member is turning five years old.  I can’t believe how fast time has flown – seems like he was just a baby and in a couple more years, he’ll be older than me!  Goodness, the fun we have together every day!!!  From the time we wake up to the time we turn in, we have a great time.  Junior has a wicked sense of humor and is always up for a game of chase or fetch or even hide-and-go-seek.  He knows so many tricks and is always interested in learning something new.Junior-with-messy-hairRecently, I got home from work and Junior talked me into a rousing match of chase-the-toy where we sort of take turns holding the chosen stuffed animal and chasing each other by turns around the living room coffee table.  When it was my turn to hold the toy and be chased, I realized that there was every chance I’d break my neck running around in high heels.  I thought it best to go change into more appropriate rough-housing attire.  To distract Junior, I tossed the toy across the foyer as I ran for the bedroom to change.  I was laughing hysterically, certain he would chase me once he’d retrieved his toy. Junior-the-Aussiedoodle

Surprised and a little disappointed that I got to hang up my work clothes in peace, I changed and headed back out to the living room.  As I turned to go through the door, I noticed the toy we’d been playing with was on the floor – in the very center of the living room entrance.  I, of course, bent down to pick it up and see if the game was still on.  At that exact moment, Junior jumped out from behind the doorway (where he’d been hiding in wait) and snatched that toy right out from under my hand.  As he ran off, I swear I could hear him laughing.  I was shocked!  He totally tricked me!  Then I was laughing so hard I could barely stand up – and as I staggered into the living room, I was so thankful!  I felt so fortunate and blessed to have this crazy, loving, perfect “person” in my life.  Junior-wants-a-cookieHappy Birthday, Junior!  And many happy returns of the day. (Don’t tell him, but I ordered a BarkBox subscription for his birthday gift – I’ll post a YouTube video when he opens it!)Junior-on-my-shoulderDo YOU have a Best Furry Friend?  Who is it?  I’d love to see a picture and hear how you met!