Just Back From Disney World – 10 Things I Learned

RM-WDW SignWhat an amazing, surprisingly unusual trip to Walt Disney World we just had!  I knew it was going to be different because I was participating in my very first runDisney events, but so many wonderful and unexpected things happened that have forever earned this vacation a special place in my heart.  I’ll be writing individual reviews on restaurants, attractions, and activities over the next couple of weeks, but if you read anything here and you have questions or want more information – shout it on out in the comments section and I’ll do what I can to oblige.

Just Back From Disney World – 10 Things I Learned

1. The Walt Disney World sign still makes my heart beat faster – Even after all these years, there’s nothing more thrilling that visual proof that you have arrived at your favorite place to be (away from home).RM-Frozen-5K-2015

2. It can be freezing in Florida in February – I live in Louisiana, I know we get an occasional cold snap, but in Florida?  I honestly wasn’t expecting wind chills in the 20’s.  Luckily, we packed for just about every possible weather and were prepared.  I only wished my homage-to-Donald “costume” for the Frozen 5K (appropriately named, for sure) had included a bit more coverage for my knees.RM-Flag-Retreat

3. The Flag Retreat in Magic Kingdom makes me cry – I’ve heard about it for years and have never found myself in the right place at the right time to experience this unbelievably touching, patriotic ceremony.  I tried to sing along to God Bless America with the Dapper Dans, but I was too choked up to croak out even a few bars.  This is a must-see and you should put it on your Disney to-do list right now.RM-Lisa-and-Glass-Slipper-Sign

4. The hype you hear about runDisney events is well-deserved – I have participated in dozens of races over the past 17+ years and some of them were pretty amazing and well organized.  Nothing – not even in my wildest imagination – could have prepared me for the truly magical execution that makes a runDisney experience far superior to any other event.  Unless you have your heart set on a personal record, then you should know, that goal would be very challenging during a runDisney race.RM-Fiesta-Donald

5. Donald Duck is still my favorite Disney character.  And that’s all I’ve got to say about that.

6. Il Mulino at the Swan is an absolutely fantastic restaurant – This place was so special – everything about it was perfect to us and a full review of our dining experience will be written very soon.

7.  Being Stranded at Walt Disney World induces euphoria – I’m sure for some people, being iced-in and unable to get home, even from Orlando, would be a major inconvenience.  For us, at this particular time, it was the gift of not one, but TWO extra Disney days to enjoy – and enjoy them we did!  Ferris Bueller-style, we packed so much extra happiness into those two days, you won’t believe it…story to follow, so check back.RM-Polynesian-Village-Resort-Lobby

8. The Polynesian Village Resort’s renovated lobby is gorgeous – I’m not insensitive to the long-time Polynesian fans who are heartbroken by the changes to their favorite resort, but to me, the new Poly is a beautifully improved Poly.  I think the colors, furniture and décor, and overall feeling of welcome is lovely.RM-Hat-Shopping-Downtown-Disney

9.  Disney Springs is coming right along.  Sure, the construction walls are a big ugly pain to maneuver around, but something in the atmosphere has changed – there’s now an air of expectation and excitement.  We can tell the Downtown Disney area is going to be better than it ever was before.  The new hat shop’s a gem – of course I’ll write a post on that too.RM-New-Tree-of-Life-Roots10.  Animal Kingdom is starting to reveal what the future holds – and if the new details to the Tree of Life are any indication, this park (that I love SO much) is going to be even more incredible.

Please let me know what you want to hear most about in greater detail.  Check back over the next couple of weeks for more scoop on what made this latest visit to Walt Disney World a truly extraordinary Disney vacation.

Shortest, Strangest Visit to Walt Disney World

Epcot-StatueWith just a couple of weeks to go and a whole lot to accomplish between now and then, I can already tell you that we’re about to make our shortest, strangest visit to Walt Disney World.  I almost can’t imagine how different it will be from all our other Disney vacations.  I’m beyond thrilled to finally get to combine two of my favorite things, running and Disney, but I’m murky on some of the details – for an obsessive planner like me, this is making me nervous.

I’ve been pouring over information about what to expect for my first runDisney events and, after exhaustive research, still feel like I’ll have to experience it to understand how it all works – I’m certain the 5k and Glass Slipper Challenge will be amazing experiences (even if I don’t dress like a princess).  I am a little concerned by how early I’ll have to go to bed to be up and ready to catch a bus to the race site each morning – I’ve never been a person who can get by on little sleep.  I tend to completely run down my battery everyday (surprised?) and need an 8-hour recharge to function!  I don’t want Raymond’s mini-vacation completely ruined by my race schedule – though he is and has always been my biggest fan for every event I’ve ever raced (and there have been dozens).  I know he’ll be there for me, same as always, but I want him to have a great time, too.RM-Running-Clothes

Here’s what’s the most difficult for me – I have no idea realistically what time I’ll be finished running, back to Bay Lake Tower, cleaned up and ready to do some Disney activities.  We have booked fastpasses each day and also at least one ADR (Advance Dining Reservation).  I know I’m supposed to try to rest my legs and feet as much as possible, so we wont be touring each park in our usually manner.  I’m counting on the fact that I’ve been a runner for 17+ years – hoping my legs will just do their thing without much complaining.  5k, 10k, half-marathon = 22.4 miles, spread out over three days.  Plus, I’m not concerned with race times, that’s the one big lesson I’ve learned in all my research – I’ll be concerned with having fun!

So, as I’ve done in the past, here are our plans for each day – see if you’d change anything and let me know if this all sounds do-able to you.

RM-7DMT-Train2Thursday (arrival day) – Magic Kingdom in the afternoon, FastPasses for Seven Dwarfs Mine Train, Space Mountain, and Big Thunder Mountain Railroad.  Catching the monorail to the Polynesian Village Resort for dinner at Kona Café (first time for us!).

Friday (Princess 5k) – Epcot in the afternoon, FPs for Spaceship Earth, The Seas wit Nemo & Friends, and Soarin’.  Dinner at Le Cellier.  (See how I’m trying to minimize walking so far?)

Saturday (Enchanted 10k – I like that name, makes it sound easy!) – After Raymond and I had that fantastic experience with the massage for two at Senses back in October, he suggested I book another massage between the 10k and half-marathon to help reduce any pain and muscle tension.  Naturally, he volunteered to come with me and keep me company.  So we have an appointment in the early afternoon for another massage forRM-Grand-Floridian-Senses-Sign two and this time, we’re adding the reflexology session (hands and feet).  Then we plan to hit Disney’s Hollywood Studios.  We’ve got FPs for Tower of Terror, Star Tours, and Rock ‘n’ Roller Coaster.  Dinner at the Swan’s Il Mulino, which is another first for us.  I’ll need carbs, it’s Italian, we’ve been wanting to try it – this is working out well!

Sunday (Princess Half Marathon) – I’m pretty sure I’ll be starving after 13.1 miles, so we’ve booked an ADR at Yak & Yeti in Animal Kingdom to try the table service for lunch.  Since Animal Kingdom is so huge and requires a lot of walking, I thought it best to save it until after I was finished running all the events.  We’ve got FPs for Kilimanjaro Safari, Expedition Everest, and Dinosaur.  Our final dinner ADR is at the Yacht Club’s Yachtsman Steakhouse.  I want to compare it to our Le Cellier dinner and see which one we like best.  We’ve been to Le Cellier many times, but Yachtsman will be another first for this trip.

That’s it!  Does it sound doable?  Am I crazy?  Our dinner ADRs are all really early (around 6 pm each day) – I’m hoping to be asleep by 8-ish each evening.  What pitfalls exist in my plan?



The Road to RunDisney – An Update

RM-Running-ClothesWhen last I spoke on this topic (here), I had just registered for the Glass Slipper Challenge for February, 2015.  It’s now just three months away and I’m stoked! – Still very much committed to this endeavor!  I’m excited about combining two of my most favorite things in the world:  running and Disney!  The Glass Slipper Challenge consists of two races, the Disney Enchanted 10k on Saturday and a Sunday half-marathon, the Princess Half.  I’m also running the Disney Princess 5k being held on Friday because, heck, going all that way…why not.

In all of the registration materials, there was an emphasis on submitting a “proof of time”, which, when registering for the Princess Half, I did not have.  Here’s what participants are told:  “If you believe you will finish in less than 3:15 hours, proof of time is required for start corral RM-Running-Snowman-Sockspalcement.  Deadline to submit proof of time is December 1, 2014.”  I’m pretty sure I can still run a half-marathon in less than 3:15, even though it’s been 4 or 5 years since I ran the last one.  So, I need proof of time and I intend to have it before the deadline.  I’ll accomplish this by running the East Texas Half on November 16th, which coincidentally also happens to be my 50th birthday.  Believe me, I did not look for a half marathon in my area to run on my birthday specifically, it just happened that my schedule and the nearest half marathon lined up this way.  As of this minute, the forecast is for a slight chance of rain, a low of 24 degrees, and a high of 52.  I’d be lying if I said I thought that sounded just peachy.  It sounds cold.

RM-Running-in-VicksburgThey say with age comes wisdom – Which sounds weird to me.  I say with age comes about 20 extra pounds.  There is a bright side though.  I don’t know if I’d call it wisdom, but I have noticed as I’ve put in the lonely training miles for Sunday’s race that I seem to be a bit mentally stronger than I’ve been before.  When my brain tries to trick me into slowing down or taking a walk break or worse, quitting alltogether, I seem to be able to beat back those negative thoughts and impulses much easier than I could in the past.  I guess that might be a sort of wisdom afterall – the ability to push the wall away by sheer force of will.  I like it.  If that’s a superpower I get for turning 50, that’s not a bad deal at all.

My longest runs have been between 9 and 11 miles and all took place in the hills of Vicksburg, Mississippi in the National Military Park there.  It’s been awesome running through Civil War history every weekend!  I’m as ready as I’m going to be to get out there and earn a Vicksburg-National-Military-Parkdecent “proof of time” time.  If you’re following over on Facebook or Twitter, I’ll be posting updates on Sunday before and after the race.  If you know anything at all about Nacogdoches, TX and care to share any travel tips or race advice with me, please do!

Oh, and please wish me luck – I’m going to need it!!!

The Road to runDisney Begins With a Single Step

A Woman and her DogIn the following post, I share more personal information than usual (or ever).  If you’re here for one of my normal discussions about Walt Disney World, Disney Cruise Line, Disney recipes, crafts, movies, or collectibles, come back tomorrow for our regularly scheduled program.  Please excuse the interruption.

As many of you know, I’m about to turn 50 – and I’m not all that broken up about it.  Many people get sad or mad or depressed or, God forbid, go into midlife-crisis mode – not me, though, not my style.  I haven’t yet reached an age that has triggered any unhappy feelings.  I’d be a lot happier if gravity would go pick on somebody else for a change, but I feel good, in general, and I have many blessings to count each day.  I do sometimes feel that life’s going by faster and faster all the time.  Then I get to thinking:  Maybe I should knock some stuff off my to-do list before more time gets away from me.

I am not athletic.  I’m a bit of a girly girl with tough guy tendencies and I didn’t grow up playing My Haunted Mansion-themed Running Shoessports – there’s absolutely NO eye-hand coordination in the end of the gene pool from whence I sprang.  I never aspired to be athletic – I mostly wanted to have fun, eat good food, and pursue happiness.  Happiness that did not involve sweating or getting dirty or making my body do anything uncomfortable.  I’m not tall, I have a long torso and short limbs.  I’m what I describe as sturdy with some buoyancy that makes swimming my best athletic endeavor.  Get the picture?

For most of my life, I felt blissfully uninspired to become one with my inner athlete (if she even existed!) – even after losing my father to heart disease when I was 19.  I was able to maintain this mindset all the way until almost three years after I had my second (and final) child at age 30.  The baby weight was not going to fall off on its own.  I was not going to spring back to looking like I did in my 20’s.  Eating, drinking and making merry were not good lifestyle choices – and that was becoming more obvious by the day!  But HOW do you change that?  I’m sure the answer to that question is different for every person, but for me, changing what I didn’t like about my physical condition   (and my attitude towards Triathlon Picturehealthy food choices) meant taking a single step.  Literally – just getting up, forcing myself to make time for ME and my physical condition (for which I accepted complete responsibility) and taking one step forward.

I think the moment your foot makes that single step forward is no sooner than the exact time you are really and truly ready to do it.  I imagine it’s like people who stop smoking, stop overeating, or stop working at a job they hate – it will only happen when they’re ready.  It can’t be for anyone else, for a class reunion, for an upcoming wedding – it has to be at a time that may feel like a monumentally selfish moment…but it’s not.  It’s a very simple fact that in order to be lovable, you have to love yourself.  In order for you to be the best person you can offer your spouse, your children, your boss, your parents, your friends, your pet – you have to love yourself enough to put yourself first – at least with regard to doing what it takes to love who you are.  For me that meant taking a step off the couch, away from the table, and out onto a lonely country road.IMG_4160

I chose mornings to carve out some time for my project – the project of making me the best I could be.  I started long before the current walk/run training craze with, oddly enough, that exact training technique – it was all I was capable of!  I walked with some short jogging thrown in.  It was hard.  I had to buy new shoes, some decent shorts and a sports bra, and have my ankles taped daily due to shin splints (thanks, Raymond).  That felt selfish, but I did it anyway.  In March, 1998, I ran my first mile without stopping.  In January of 1999, I ran my first marathon and never looked back.  All the things I’d hated about myself my whole life – bulky, short legs, 5′ 4″ height, square shape – suddenly looked completely different to my own eyes.  I’d lost weight and, short legs notwithstanding, ran continuously for 26.2 miles in 4 hours and 20  minutes – I was proud of me – and that was an amazing feeling.  All because I got up a little earlier one morning and took that first step.  Don’t get me wrong – I could never EVER have accomplished my goals without the support and sacrifice of my family – They have always been and continue to be my biggest fans and my gratitude cannot be expressed in words.Post-5K shoe picture

So, here I am now with two full marathons, four half-marathons, over 30 triathlons (turns out riding a bicycle does not require all that much coordination!), and countless 5k races behind me.  16 years have flown by and that brings me back to the original point of all this disclosure.  I’ve wanted to participate in a runDisney event for quite some time now.  In spite of my passion for Disney and all the events I’ve participated in before – I’ve been honestly intimidated by those princesses, those younger people, those tall, willowy runners they show on the runDisney web site – the perky ones with the cute costumes and happy smiles.  I got up this morning, looked in the mirror and reminded myself of a really important lesson – I just needed to take a single step forward.

As of 11:01 Central Standard Time today, I am officially registered for the Glass Slipper Challenge next February (2015) at Walt Disney World.  I will run the Disney Enchanted 10K on Saturday, the 21st and The Disney Princess Half Marathon on Sunday the 22nd.  I will be 50 years old by then – I’m not a princess, not young, and most certainly not willowy, but I will be there…knocking something else off my to-do list before any more time gets away from me.

If you’re planning to be there, too, I’d love to hear from you.

Thank you for reading….Lisa