We’re finished! After many months of long runs, short runs, hill runs and tempo runs. Running in the dark, running in the heat, and running in the rain – it’s time to put all those training miles to the test. Joseph is confident! I’m nervous. I’ve run a marathon before and I know how painful it is. I’ve never, ever run a marathon after running a 5K, 10K, and half marathon first.

The Plan
We weren’t able to stick to the plan exactly, but we did our best. A few obstacles got in the way and we made every effort to work around them. To stay motivated, I sweet-talked Joseph into getting up at 4:30 am a couple of times a week to run with me.

These outings meant a break from the treadmill for me and in the cool (sometimes cold) morning air, the miles flew by. I listened to music and enjoyed the starry skies and pretty sunrises. I’m thinking Joseph didn’t get as much enjoyment from these times, but he’s a good sport anyway.

The Fuel
We tried a lot of new running foods and relied on old favorites. New items included Clif Bloks and Tailwind (drink mix). The old favorites we relied on were Sport Beans (watermelon is the best!), GU, and Honey Stinger Waffles. All were tested for energy provided, ease of consumption, and intestinal compatibility. We especially liked the fact that the Sport Beans and Tailwind we used had a bit of added caffeine. Now we know what to bring along with us to keep us going for those 48.6 miles.
The Gear
Here’s my biggest and best discovery: men’s running shorts. I borrowed a couple of pairs of Raymond’s for the Wine & Dine races and I’m never going back! I wish I’d known – the length is perfect (no thigh touching) and there are extra pockets! Plus the shorts Raymond lent me were lightweight and the waistbands hit me in just the right place – made them extra comfortable! Maybe they weren’t the most flattering, but I’ll take feeling good over looking good when I’ve got to cover those loooooong distances.

Joseph and I needed headlights and reflective vests for those dark early morning runs and I found both on Amazon. Economically priced and perfect for our needs, the Petzl headlamps and GoxRunx vests were just the ticket. We wanted to both see and be seen by motorists (and not be mistaken for deer by any hunters)!
Dopey Challenge 2020

It’s time to put it all to the test. One little short run between now and Thursday’s 5K is all we have left. Nervous, excited, and most of all ready – Joseph and I would welcome some friendly thoughts and any advice or words of encouragement you’d care to offer. Wish us luck! We’re gonna need it.