It’s been a while since I’ve had time to be crafty, but an idea popped into my head a while back and it wouldn’t go away. Creative thoughts flowing, I formulated a plan that was, of course, both easy and cheap. ‘Cause you know, with DIY stuff, that’s how I roll.
DIY Disney Christmas Ornaments From Pins
It started a few weeks ago when I found, tucked away, yet another bag of Disney pins purchased on a trip to Disney World some time ago. As I was stuffing lovingly adding these rediscovered treasures into our “Disney pin drawer”, I thought it was a terrible shame that we keep our pin collection tucked away. Couldn’t I find a way to display at least a few favorites somehow? What better place than on our Disney Christmas tree!
I’ve got mad skills with a hot glue gun and I’m a ribbon hoarder. I’m also cheap. Starting there, I purchased two additional items and I was ready to go! You artistic types that like to measure stuff will love this project. I didn’t measure anything and I’m not all that artistic and I made some pretty cute ornaments. Joseph took one look at them and called them banners, so we’ll go with that. Let’s make some Disney pin banners!
- Disney pins and/or buttons
- Ribbon in different colors and widths
- Wooden sticks either plain or painted
- Wire (I found colored wire at my local discount store)
- Extras like buttons or flowers for embellishments
Here’s what you do:
Choose pins and ribbon that will compliment each other. I selected pins based on the ribbon colors I already had.
You could pick out your favorite pins and buy ribbon to match, but then you wouldn’t have the fun of using leftover ribbon in an awesome way. I bought a pack of sticks and spray-painted them silver because…yep, you guessed it, that’s the color paint I found in my laundry room cabinet. You don’t have to paint the sticks at all if you don’t want to. I punched holes in an empty k-cup box, stood the sticks up in the holes, sprayed them, waited for the paint to dry, turned them over and painted them again.
Combine ribbons anyway you want to or not at all. For some pins, I hot-glued ribbons together side-by-side to make them wider. For others I glued layers of ribbons together to make a more interesting background. (If it looks like there’s hot glue everywhere in these pictures it’s only because there was!) Fold the ribbon over, hot-glue it to the stick and pin on the pin – the beauty of this project is that the pin comes right back off if you want to do something else with it in the future. I added some buttons to Mickey’s banner and a rose to Mulan’s for fun, but that’s only because I already had that stuff.
Finally, add something to hang the banner up with. I used inexpensive colored wire and I just wrapped the wire around the ends of the stick and added a little twist at the top to hold the ornament hook. Tah-Dah!!! Easy-peasy! If you have kids, this might be a fun project while they’re out of school for the holidays.
Thanks for stopping by! If you decide to make this project or a variation thereof, please share pictures here or over on Facebook. I’d love to see what you make!