Growing up With Mary Poppins

musicMARYPOPPINS1I have a special attachment to Mary Poppins.  And it’s not just because the movie and I are the same age.  Oh, I’ve seen the movie a time or two – but not as many as you’d think, considering.  I will tell you that I know the words to most of the movie’s songs.

I have strong childhood ties to those catchy, cleverly composed Mary Poppins tunes – wonderful memories that are among my happiest of all – because when I was little, my mother loved to play the piano and I loved to sing along.  At some point when I was very small, my mom bought the songbook of sheet music from Mary Poppins.  I can remember her telling me a song’s  words then letting me sing them while she played each line – so this must have started before I could read.  I have vivid memories of sitting on the piano bench next to my mom (on her left) while she played.  Following along, belting out those Poppins tunes for all I was worth in my little-girly voice – “With tuppence for paper and strings, you can have your own set of wings.  With your feet on the ground you’re a bird in flight with your fist holding tight to the string of your kite…”

I’ve promised myself a treat today if I cross off everything on my to-do list – I’m going to try to see Saving Mr. Banks this afternoon – I’m a little worried about my sappy sentimentality kicking in and making me cry, but I really want to see it, so I’m willing to take my chances and bring plenty of tissue.

So off I go – gotta get busy making a quick grocery run, baking some cookies, wrapping gifts, putting this messy house in order – you get the idea.  Wish me luck!  If I do make it to the movie I’ll let you know what I thought about it.

List of Songs from the “Songs from Walt Disney’s Mary Poppins” easy piano song book:

  • Chim Chim Cher-ee
  • Feed the Birds
  • Jolly Holiday
  • Let’s Go Fly a Kite
  • (A) Spoonful of Sugar
  • Stay Awake
  • Step in Time
  • Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious



Songza App Review for Disney Fans

General Dis Pics 11.13 109Not long ago while riding in the car with both of my children – a very rare occurance these days, I can tell you – one of them took over our musical entertainment by plugging in their iphone to the car’s audio jack and playing… Disney tunes!  I was happily surprised by the choice and jealous of their playlist.  When I asked if they’d downloaded all those awesome songs from itunes, they said, NO – it’s an app called Songza!  WHAT?

Songza is a music streaming site with a free app (you can pay $3.99/month to have an add-free version) that will quite literally play any and all types of music, courtesy of a “music concierge” based on what you want to hear aGeneral Dis Pics 11.13 111t any given time.  I couldn’t believe it!  How had I never heard of this before?  I’m always listening to music when I run and it can get expensive to keep adding songs to make new playlists when one gets boring.

Skeptical by nature (probably growing up in Missouri has something to do with it), I said, “show me!”.  People!  This thing is awesome!  When you open the app, you see information from the concierge – what day it is, what time of day, what your playlist options are (based on what you’re doing) for a quick selection (if that’s what you want) – like songs for singing in the shower, for example.

If you’re like me and you want a very specific playlist, move General Dis Pics 11.13 104onto the next screen and choose “Genres” and then on the screen after that – you’ll be presented with tons of choices ranging from Bluegrass to Disco, Hawaiian, Indie, Jazz, several types of Latin, Pop, Rap, Reggae, and more – The last choice on the list is Showtunes!  In that category alone there are TEN playlist choices – like Songs From Animated Movies –  Most of which are DISNEY!!!  The Animated Movies playlist also appears under the “Children’s” genre section along with other choices like Pretty Princess Magic Mix, Superheroes and Dinosaurs!, and Sweet Lullabies (and more).

If you choose “Activities” or “Moods” instead of “Genres” and you can choose playlists suitable for doing things like Ballroom Dancing, Being Creative, Breaking Up, Curing Road Rage, Pleasing A Crowd or acompanying moods like Angsty, Celebratory, Funky, Motivational, Nocturnal. (Loads of other choices)

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Using the search function, you can, for example, enter a particular artist you like, let’s say Randy Newman for instance.  You’ll be presented with a list of different playlists to choose from – all based on your search for Randy Newman.  Not all of the songs will be Randy Newman songs, but his songs will be among the ones making up the playlists – a sort of if-you-like-Randy-Newman-you-should-also-like-these sort of thing.  There are many more options and features – it’s a pretty amazing array!

If you like music of any type of music and Disney music in particular, Songza is pretty fantastic and FREE!  Have you tried it?  What did you think?

In case you’re curious – I have no sponsors on my blog, so if I’m telling you about a product or service – it’s purely because I like it, not because I’m being paid to do so.  If that ever changes, I’ll make a full disclosure – promise.

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Ten Excellent Disney Supporting Characters


I like a good story – any good story will do.  The Fam pretty much all feel the same way ’cause we LOVE movies.  In the theater, on pay-per-view, TV, DVD, it doesn’t matter.  If it’s a good story, we want to see it.  Of course our favorite stories are of the Disney variety.  One of the things that makes Disney movies so wonderful is the ever-present side-kick for Disney heros and heroines.  Our favorite toy, prince, princess, clown fish, lost boy or super hero wouldn’t make it to the happily-ever-after part without a steadfast companion by their side.

Today I’ve put together a list of ten excellent Disney supporting characters and why we love ’em.

In no particular order:

1.  Jessie – Little bit tom-boy and part girly-girl – Happy by nature, Jessie’s learned from the school of hard knocks how painful loving people can be.  Jessie is a major worrier at times, but finds happiness in the little moments – like dancing with “Spanish Buzz”.  She’s at her best when overcoming her fears to prove herself a brave, loyal and trust-worthy friend.

2.  Edna Mode – Edna’s rough exterior hides a marshmallow center.  Forced to design for the IMG_2322fashion industry after the Supers go into hiding (“Super models, HA!  Nothing “super” about them.  Spoiled, stupid little stick figures with poofy lips who think only about themselves – FEH, I used to design for GODS!”).  Edna’s bark is much worse than her bite – clearly she loves the Parr family and is ecstatic to be included as an integral part of their return to the spotlight in the fight against evil – NO CAPES!

3. Lumiere – a little more fun-loving than his buddy and co-worker Cogsworth, Lumiere not only gets to sing the best (to us) big musical number of Beauty and the Beast, he remains calm under pressure and lights the way to victory in battle.

4. Abu – a monkey of few words, he stands by his BFF even when he doesn’t like Aladdin’s decisions.  Abu puts up with a lot:  hunger, poverty, homelessness, freezing, mushy lovey-dovey parts, and even being turned into an elephant – but stays the course admirably and loves our hero selflessly to the end.

General Dis Pics 11.13 1025. Jiminy Cricket – like many of our picks, Jiminy is given an assignment – to be Pinocchio’s conscience.  Appointed by the Blue Fairy, Jiminy is cheerfully up to the task – remaining by Pinocchio through thick and through thin, proving himself to be a steadfast, “got-your-back” kind of guy.  And now he gets to host Wishes – and it just wouldn’t be the same without him!

6. Sebastian – a crab with a very tough job – Keep the god of the seas happy while “managing”  King Triton’s wayward, strong-willed yet lovable teenaged daughter.  Luckily, Sebastian is Aerial’s biggest fan and believes in her happily ever after.  Bonus points for the smoothly awesome Jamaican accent.

7. Mushu – like Sebastian, Mushu has a tough job and his own agenda – sent by the ancestors to keep up with another wayward daughter, Mushu thinks it’ll be the easiest and quickest way to reclaim is Guardian status.  Little does he know he’ll have to put his own ambitions on the back burner to help our heroine save China – which he does with aplomb.  Honorable mention to “Cricky” who is the luckiest bug we know.

8. Dory – she may be forgetful, but she’s got no shortage of patience, love and understanding – plus, she speaks a mean whale – and you never know when that’s going to be a critically important skill.  We are anxiously awaiting Finding Dory in 2016.

9. Sven – another character of few words, this reindeer-that-acts-like-a-dog is Frozen’s version of a conscience for Kristoff.  Like so many of our favorite supporting characters, Sven is loving and loyal, even when Kristoff makes horrible decisions.  Believing in a hero’s ability to be a hero – even when they don’t believe in themselves – is a great side-kick’s most important task.

10. Baloo – he’s the good cop to Bagheera’s bad – fun-loving and care-free, Baloo knows in the end that he’ll have to go along with whatever is best for Mowgli, even if it means being separated – He gets to croon “Bare Necessities” while teaching Mowgli to survive in the jungle – one of the best Disney tunes EVER!

Piglet, Pascal, Tinkerbell, LeFou, GusGus and Jacques – there are SO many more!  Who are your favorite Disney supporting characters?

Oh Disney Tree, Oh Disney Tree

IMG_2292If you’ve been by here for a visit lateley, you’ll have noticed that I’ve been sharing all my tutorials on how to make Disney Christmas decorations. If you missed one, you can find Mickey Ornament how-to’s here and here.  A Mickey door wreath here.  Finally, you can find a Disney painted ornament tutorial here.  The ornaments are all hanging on my Christmas tree, so I thought I’d share a few tips on how I put the whole Disney theme together.

I started with a pre-lit 9-foot tree purchased several years ago – say it with me now- for 50% off at my favorite craft store! Before the ornaments go on, I want the tree to feel Disney-ish, so I start with what I consider foundation or background for the ornaments. I don’t have an official Disney tree-topper (gasp!) so I tried to make the top of the tree represent the “Wishes” fireworks from the Magic Kingdom since Wishes is one of my most favorite things in the world. I used IMG_2236several large Christmas floral sprays in sparkly red and green, adding a couple to the center that had circles that would (hopefully) form Hidden Mickeys when viewed from Copy-of-General-Dis-Pics-11.13-061.jpgdifferent angles. Then, starting at the top, I added yellow/gold deco-mesh – I dislike (hate/loathe-take your pick) deco-mesh and it seems the feeling is mutual. I put it on the entire tree three different times this year and I still think the final look leaves a bit to be desired. Suggestions are welcome. Then on went green and red poinsettias, holly, green and red sparkly floral sprays, and black sparkly dangly-ropey-things (what would you call them?).

Foundation in place, I was ready for the ornaments. Even before the official (and unofficial) Copy-of-General-Dis-Pics-11.13-061.jpgIMG_2298Disney ornaments went on, I first added large, plain ornaments in Disney colors, tucked back into the tree – so they would fill up the background while keeping the outer branches available for the best ornaments. Then, finally ready for the Disney ornaments, I used the smallest ones at the top and worked my way down – largest mostly on the bottom. Okay – I’ll admit it – I talked Raymond into putting the little ornaments at the top for me. He’s way taller and it kept me from repeating the terrible ladder accident I had last spring. That’s it.  Tah-Dahhhhh.

I’ve surfed the net looking for other Disney trees out there. I know some of you have them, so please PLEASE share your tree pics with me and any DIY Disney decorations you’ve made. I would love to see them and get some new ideas for next year.IMG_2293