Walt Disney World Resources – On the Web

LADL Computer picWhile I’m living a Disney life, I spend a great deal of time reading what other people have to say about Disney.  I particularly like online Disney resources for getting the scoop on other Disney fans’ experiences and opinions and for quickly getting official information for planning my own Disney vacations.  Today I wanted to take a minute to share with you just five of my favorite web-based Disney resources and why I love them.  Please be sure to leave me a comment if some of your favorites are not on this list!

1.  https://disneyworld.disney.go.com/ – The official Disney World website.  This is a great “big picture” resource for official information.  You can find out general information, use trip-planning tools, compare resorts, ticket prices, and dining plans, see some fantastic pictures, and a lot more.  This site also offers assistance from the Disney Parks Mom’s Panel where you can find the answers to TONS of questions about all things Disney – and if the answer you’re looking for is not there?  Ask away and a panel expert will be happy to assist.  What you will not find at this official web locale is balanced feedback – there will be no negatives, drawbacks or “cons” – makes for a whole lot of pixie-dusted positivity, but sometimes when you’re deciding between restaurants or resorts, it’s good to know both the good and the not-so-good.

2.  allears.net The first online unofficial Disney resource I ever used and still one of my favorites.  Why?  Because it offers positive, thorough, well-researched information.  If you want restaurant menus, look here.  If you want honest Walt Disney World resort reviews, check this out.  The folks at allears are great about bringing all the latest news, planning tools, event Computer Piccalendars, and more in a concise, friendly way that has never ever once let me down.  Check out their blog section – there are several to choose from.  A particular favorite of mine has always been The World According to Jack.  His recent article on Disney’s Restroom Evolution was clever and informative and insightful – and about bathrooms!

3.  WDWinfo.com and TheDISboards forums – I’ve mentioned this site several times in the past.  There’s a great deal of information here about Disney and Universal Orlando along with some terrific blog articles and excellent videos.  The Disney cruise boards are a fantastic place for Cruise Meets (find out who else is going with you) and joining Fish Extender groups.  The resort and restaurant reviews can be extremely helpful as can the trip reports.  Plus, DISboards has a handy smartphone app!  What you really need to watch out for, though, are the trolls, haters, and rumor-mongers who love to stir up heaps of unhappiness on these forums.  This site can be a double-edged sword if you’re not prepared to dismiss some of the negativity there – recognize it for what it is:  Some people are negative by nature, hate change, and don’t understand the Disney Bubble.  Don’t let them get you down!

4.  Tips from the Disney Divas and Devos – I don’t just like this site because I’m a contributing Diva Sitewriter (as Darlin’ Diva).  I like it because there are dozens of writers.  Disney experts from all over sharing tips, tricks, and reviews for making the most of your Disney vacation – that’s a LOT of different points of view!  Adult travel?  Check.  Traveling with infants, toddlers, grade-schoolers, tweens, or teens?  Check.  Traveling to Disneyland, Disney World, or on a Disney Cruise – they’ve got you covered.  Special dietary needs?  Yes, even that.  Best thing:  if you don’t find what you need to know – ASK!  The Divas and Devos are ready to assist in any way and make every effort to answer your question quickly and accurately.

5. http://disneycruise.disney.go.com/ – The official site for Disney Cruise Line.  A great resource for finding a cruise, comparing stateroom categories, shopping cruise excursions, and more.  Even if you have a favorite travel agent, the Disney Cruise site has loads of useful information.  Again – being officially Disney – you’ll only get the positives and sometimes fewer details than you’d like.  This is the place to go if you need to know exactly what Disney’s offering in each port activity-wise.  When cruising on vacation, I believe there’s nothing more important than being an informed consumer.

So, are any of your favorites the same as mine?  Which websites do you find the most helpful?

What if Wednesday – Disney Olympics Version

What if WednesdayLadies and Gentlemen!  It’s time once again for What-If Wednesday!  The game show where we use our Disney imaginations to answer the question “What if?”.  Contestants from Twitter and Facebook go head to head and compete to invent the most popular answers.  Get ready to let your
imagination run wild!  As Drew Carey would say, this is ”the show where
everything’s made up and the points don’t matter
.”  Let’s play!

This week’s Question:  What if Walt Disney World held Olympic events?  What would they be?

Amy from Facebook (a huge fan of Disneyland) kicked us off with:  “One time, our Main Street atIMG_2139 DL had a giant pool on it for Michael Phelps. It was so cool! I’d like to see that in person!”  Let’s think….Hmmmmm.  if we move the oh-so-inconveniently-located Magic Carpets of Aladdin over in Adventureland and put in a pool – filled with obstacles that pop up as you swim like Jungle Cruise animals and Pirates from the Caribbean – contestants and spectators alike would have a pretty good time!

Upon A Star Jenn from Twitter (@UponAStarJenn)  Asked “what about park jumping? I definitely qualify!”  Agreed.  This takes skill, perfect timing, keen eyesight (for making your way through crowds of other guests).  Here’s how this event could work – Contestants are assigned 4 rides – one in each of the 4 parks.  The person who completes all the rides in the shortest time takes GOLD!

Jenn had a second suggestion – “How about stroller dodging?”  Now I had already thought a Stroller Slalom event would be fun, but stroller dodging is an actual necessity at all Disney Tower of Terror Collageparks!  What if we combined the two?  A stroller course (with obstacles) through, say, the Magic Kingdom where stroller drivers must race to complete the course in record time while pedestrians are given a course of their own to complete without being mowed down by the stroller drivers.  Oh, yeah – thrills, action, danger – all the makings of great entertainment.

Bill Maguire from Twitter (@wfmaguire) is ready!  He tweeted “sign me up for tower of terror drop freestyle.”  Oh, Bill!  This one’s my absolute favorite.  Points for skill / level of difficulty and points for artistic style.  Think about the types of costumes one could wear to compete in this event!  No doubt about it – this would be a spectator sell-out.

Rebecca Kelly °o° (@rkellyWDW) tweeted her idea for a competition – “consecutive rides on the Mad Teacups? That’s GOT to be considered an endurance sport!” That would take both stamina and strong constitution (if you know what I mean)…which leads us to Rebecca’s other suggestion:   “And now on the Projectile Vomiting Event… ;D”IMG_3298

I was wondering how long it would be before someone suggested a food-related event and Twitter follower 1 Min Disney Dream (@1MinDisneyDream) Didn’t let me down.  His idea?  An event based on this:   “How many Dole Whips can you eat in 20 minutes?”  Now, I know how many Dole Whip enthusiasts there are out there.  Exactly what number of Disney’s famous “popular frozen treat blended in pineapple, orange, vanilla or swirled flavors” do you suppose one can consume in 20 minutes?  How much of a factor would painful brain freeze play in the competition?  If you want to try it at home and let me know, here’s a Dole Whip recipe you can use.

Which of these events do you think You’d like to try?

Thanks for playing!


A Valentine’s Day View – Favorite Disney Couples

DSCN0796I just love Valentine’s Day!  I’ve had 25 super-happy, romantic ones with the same guy.  When I thought about writing a post to mark this special day, I asked Raymond, “Who’s your favorite Disney couple?” – His answer?  “We are.”  Now, do you see why every Valentine’s Day I’ve had for all this time has been so wonderful?  (Oh, stop gagging, I’m moving on to the Disney stuff now).

I want to talk about some of my OTHER favorite Disney couples.  I  felt the need to break them down into two categories – BFF, not-married category – we’ll call that “Group One” and the married, into the happily-ever-after, romantic category – aka “Group Two”.  I’m just, you know, giving my opinion (big surprise there!) about these twosomes and I sure hope you’ll weigh in with comments right here on the blog, on Facebook here, or on twitter (follow me @life_of_green) about your own favorite Disney couples.

So, here we go – oh, and in case I forget later, Happy Valentines Day!IMG_2141

Group One!

Mickey and Minnie – They may not be married, but they certainly share a love that endures.  Perpetually happy and ready for fun, these two create joy with each other that they freely share with all they meet.  Obviously best friends with a lot in common, they’re a Disney power couple with a relationship formula that equals success.

Kermit and Miss Piggy – Maybe they’re not happy all the time – She’s high maintenance (oh, like that’s a bad thing) and he’s a little hesitant to take the relationship to the next level.  They’ve been through a LOT together over the years and never fail to treat each other with understanding and respect (mostly).  Maybe their timing’s off.  Maybe they just have to find the right time in their lives – where everything will fall into place for them and they will get their IMG_4791happily-ever-after with each other.  Yeah, I’m a romantic, hope springs eternal and all that jazz.  I’m pulling for them!

Chip and Dale – Not a romantic couple, maybe, but these besties have been together forever and I admire that in a friendship!  Chip’s the serious thinker and Dale is the slightly goofy sidekick.  Laurel and Hardy with fur!  What is not to love about these two – and isn’t love what Valentine’s Day is all about?

Group Two!

IMG_5225Cinderella and her Prince.  Love at first sight?  Yes, indeed.  She’s faced a lot of challenges growing up – he’s faced a lot of challenges finding a partner.  Both know the pressures of trying to please family.  She can appreciate the love and care-free life he has to offer.  He can appreciate her down-to-earth, low maintenance personality.  Everybody goes home happy.  Except maybe Lady Tremaine, Drizella, and Anastasia – but, really – don’t we love them too?


Snow and Charming:  Not gonna lie – I am a huge Once Upon a Time fan – even Raymond’s been known to enjoy an episode now and again.  These two really do love each other in a way that endures over time, through changing realms, in spite of any challenges thrown their way via magical spells, mythical creatures, and evil queens – in sickness and in health, richer, poorer, yadda, yadda – these guys know how to make it work.   They will always find each other!

Rapunzel and Flynn/Eugene – Good girl + bad boy = true love.  She’s a princess and doesn’t IMG_5229know it, he’s a goodhearted fellow who hasn’t met his potential.  Combine the two and what a great relationship!  He helps her find her family and she helps him find the man behind the smolder.  I love these two!  They’re both a constant surprise to themselves and to each other.  I think their relationship has got what it takes to endure.

Ellie and Carl Fredrickson – Proof that true love lasts.  These two had a lot in common, were very best friends and faced some serious challenges over the course of their relationship.  Did they give up?  No, never.  I cried so hard during Up‘s opening montage, I almost couldn’t watch the rest of the movie.  A relationship to admire and perfect example of the kind of love Valentine’s Day is all about!

Lisa and Raymond – The reason I believe in love at first sight.  Raymond proposed six weeks DSCN2932after we met and here we are today – getting ready to celebrate our 25th anniversary (with a trip this fall to Disney World for our first Food and Wine Festival).  Couple of kids, a (very few) trials and tribulations, a whole lot of fun and laugher – and still going strong.  So, I’ve got to hand it to Raymond after all.  When thinking about Disney couples – I do have to say…we make a pretty good one.





What if Wednesday – What New Disney Show or Parade Would You Add?

What if WednesdayLadies and Gentlemen!  It’s time once again for What-If Wednesday!  The game show where we use our imagination to bring about Disney change.  Contestants from Twitter and Facebook go head to head and compete to invent the most popular (pretend) changes.  Get ready to let your imagination run wild!  And as Drew Carey would say, this is ”the show where everything’s made up and the points don’t matter.”  Let’s play!

This week’s episode – Bringing a New Parade or Show to Walt Disney World!

1 Min Disney Dream (@1MinDisneyDream) suggested this: “New nighttime parade at MK incorporating both Spectro (SpectroMagic Parade) and MSEP (Main Street Electric Parade) music and new floats including some more villains” My two cents:  This is a great idea!  As long as the villains replaced those creepy Spectro dolls – those things completely freaked me out.  I know it was a combination of their facial expression and how they moved.  Usually, I don’t have a fear of clowns or dolls, bot those Spectro Magic characters were just spooky!  I’d take villains over them any day  For that one reason only, the Main Street Electric Parade has always been my favorite.  If you have no idea what I’m talking about watch this YouTube video from Orlando Attractions Magazinehttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fv2IlwcMXaM

IMG_5212Disney20Somethings (@DisneyTwenties) was also thinking about villains and would like to see a  “villains parade at DHS in old style villain modified cars” was their idea and WOW!  Think about that!  How much fun would it be to see all our favorite villains and instead of parade floats, they were riding in their own bad-guy-mobiles!  Cruella’s roadster is an obvious choice, but what kind of cool car would Hades drive?  What about Captain Hook?  A ship-like ride?  I can just picture Professor Ratigan in a steam-punk ride!  Jafar in a snake-y ride or maybe a genie-lamp-shaped one?  Dr. Facilier from The Princess and the Frog – I picture a low riding, stretched out magical purple and black car with flames!  Think about Yzma and a funky art-deco-looking flintstone-ish vehicle – driven and powered by Kronk!  Oh, the possibilities.

Michele T Williams (@MSimbaspride) – Michele wants her new parade to be at the Studios and she said, “I would bring out the Star Wars characters at DHS all year round for a parade once or twice daily. May the force be with you”  Michele, being a huge Star Wars fan, clearly doesn’t think Star Wars Weekends are enough – and I’m inclined to agree.  If a Star IMG_4880Wars Land ever became a reality, a parade that included Jedi Mickey, Yoda, R2-D2, C-3PO, Wookies, Ewoks, Storm Troupers, Jabba the Hutt, and (duhn-duhn-duhn, dun-da-dun-dun) – Darth Vader!!!  Yes!

“Truly wonderful, the mind of a child is.” – Yoda, Attack of the Clones

A couple of members of The Fam wanted in on this What-if Wednesday…

Megan had ideas for several parks and agrees with Michele from Twitter that Star Wars needs a year-round representation and also voted for “a Star Wars parade at the Studios”.  Megan would also like to see “a parade of Disney throughout time at Magic Kingdom. The parade starts with floats and characters from Disney’s early works and ends with today’s stuff like Frozen. A parade at animal kingdom that incorporates live animals, maybe.”  My favorite of these is the Disney Through Time idea – the floats and characters could even start out in black and white (Steamboat Willie)!  The musical styles would change as time goes by as would all the costumes and characters – yes, that would be a bunch of fun to see.

Raymond, who has a lot of faith in Disney Imagineers, suggested a “Parade around the lagoon at Epcot. When the parade gets to a country everything changes to match that country. Costumes and all. If there are characters from Disney movies, they suddenly appear.”  Now, THIS idea would really be amazing!  How cool would it be to see the parade move along, morphing as it goes – flags, clothing, characters, music – all changing through Disney magic to match each of the World Showcase countries.  Oh, I give this one a big round of applause!

So, what about you?  What new parade or show would you add to Walt Disney World?

Thanks for playing, everyone!