ABC’s Once Upon a Time – Addicted and Unashamed

ABC’s Once Upon a Time – Addicted and Unashamed

OUAT - Charming, Regina & SnowThis blog is titled “Living a Disney Life”.  The name was chosen very carefully and, I think, wisely.  Seriously, Disney is a big deal at our house!  We may have passed the time of having little ones at home that keep us in the know about the hottest TV shows on the Disney Channel/Disney Junior, but I will never outgrow the enjoyment of going to see the latest Disney movie in theaters.  I grew up with The Wonderful World of Disney – on our family’s TV – EVERY Sunday night.  It’s Disney….on Sunday night.  That’s how, I’m convinced, it was SO easy to become addicted to ABC’s Once Upon a Time.  And addicted we are!  Except for Joseph – and I’ll cut him some slack since he’s 18 and perhaps too young to appreciate all the subtleties, nuances and incredible plot twists – the sheer genius of every single moment of Once.

So – big Disney TV action on Sunday evening.  It’s perfect!  Nothing makes me happier than ABC's Once Upon a Time(just like when I was little) – gathering the fam together, grabbing a snack or late supper, and watching great stories unfold in the comfort of our own living room.  So…this begs the question.  Is Once Upon a Time good enough?  Would I still watch if it were moved to another day of the week?  YES!  As we wrapped up Season Three this past Sunday – I have to say – this show just gets better and better!!!  Each and every episode of all three seasons – genius!  Packed with twists, thrills, surprises, joy, heartache – this show has it all!

OUAT - Red, Belle and HenryI don’t want to spoil the story-line for anyone who is just joining the OUAT mania.  I have to say, though, that just about every single Disney character you can think of has appeared in one or more (or all) episodes – and the characters are developed beautifully and fully to viewers’ satisfaction.  Snow White, Prince Charming, The Evil Queen, Rumpelstiltskin, Pinocchio, Geppetto, Jiminy Cricket, The Blue Fairy, Captain Hook (oh, sigh), Peter Pan, Tinkerbell, Mulan, Ariel, Aurora, Prince Phillip, Red Riding Hood and Granny!  The Wicked Witch of the West, Belle, Robin Hood, Marian – and many characters both well-known from Disney and classic fairy tales.  Additionally, there are brand new characters for the show.  The writers make it easy to keep up with (and adore) each and every one!  Some you love to hate (and others you hate to love) – it’s just perfect.

Curses, different realms, magic (with which always comes a price), time travel – this show has it all!  Good versus Evil – the lines are often blurred and unpredictable – which alone is probably OUAT - Rumpleone of the show’s biggest draws!  My compliments to writers Adam Horowitz and Edward Kitsis (both also wrote Lost) who focus on strong female characters who (mostly) do the rescuing as opposed to waiting to be rescued.  I’m proud to say I’m a Once fan and I cannot wait for Season Four!  Tiny spoiler ahead – WHO is the biggest, most sought-after character currently in the Disney parks?  Yep – She’s coming to Season Four!!!  Again – GENIUS!

How about YOU?  Are you a Once Upon a Time fan?  If not, have you thought about giving it a try?

Catch up – watch Once Upon a Time episodes here.

Add a Little Disney to Your Day

Disney Mug CollectionIf you’ve accidentally stumbled upon this website and you don’t happen to be a True Blue Disney Fan, just click the back button now…you won’t understand this post.  You just won’t get it.  Unless you love Disney in a nearly irrational way, unless you pine for a Disney park from the time you leave – and count the days – until the time you return, the details that follow may seem foreign, obsessive, strange or silly even.  So…not a huge Disney fan?  Again, this post is not for you…just go.

Still here?  I’m talking to you now.  My dear Disney-loving brothers and sisters, YOU!   You understand me.  You sympathize with the main plight of my existence – I adore all things Disney and there’s no vacation in the world as good as a Disney one.  Surrounding ourselves with reminders of our happiest Disney days is essential – it’s what keeps us going day to day, right?  You understand, don’t you?

I’ve put together a list of some of the things I do to add a little Disney to my day.  What I want to know is this:  How many items on my list are also part of your daily Disney life and…what’s on your list that isn’t on mine?  Here we go:IMG_2115

1.  Start the day with coffee (sometimes tea or cocoa) – in a Disney mug!

2. Listen to the two P’s of Disney – Podcasts and Playlists.  My daily commute is about 35-40 minutes each way.  Plenty of time to enjoy a couple of podcast episodes or belt out a few Disney show tunes as I’m cruising down the highway.

3. Adorn the car with a Disney antenna topper.  I have a collection and like to rotate them out depending on the season.  Spotting my car in a parking lot always makes me smile.

Nemo Antenna Topper4. Disney casual wear.  I work in an office where business attire is required, but on the weekends, you’ll find me in my “Peace, Love, Mickey” shirt or my Avengers tee.  I’ll probably be sporting a Disney cap as well.

5. Disney accessories – Tinkerbell watch, Disney pin, Magic Band – all appropriate accessories for work or play!

6. Watch – Disney movies, TV shows, documentaries, YouTube videos of attractions – doesn’t matter to me – they all make me happy.  I’m seriously addicted to ABC’s Once Upon a Time.  Don’t judge.

7. Connect – Disney Twitter friends, Disney Facebook pages, Disney discussion boards/forums, Pinterest, Instagram – thousands of other Disney geeks just like me!  Nice folks, too.

8. Cook – I love trying out recipes from my favorite Disney restaurants.  Nothing like delicious 'Ohana Cheesy Potatoes in Process 1smells and tastes to trigger great dining memories and recreate the magic at home.

9. Read – Disney books, articles, blog posts, attraction and restaurant reviews, park news, touring strategies, you name it.

10. Talk Disney! – I’m lucky enough to have a spouse and offspring who love Disney as much as I do.  Conversations around plans for our next trip(s) and what Disney movie will next open in theaters is a daily occurrence.  (I’m also fortunate to have some Disney addicted friends and coworkers.)

Disney Dog Henry Jones, JuniorBonus – I love our Disney dog, Henry Jones, Junior.  Junior’s the best, most patient, tolerant member of the family who will never visit a Disney park, but embraces his family’s love of Disney just the same.

Now it’s your turn…how do you add a little Disney to your day?


The Dis Life Podcast with David Hodges

The Dis Life & GoofyAs I’ve mentioned many times before, I’m addicted to and crazy about Disney podcasts.  They’re popular with Disney fans because they serve a number of purposes – they’re entertaining, they keep the Disney magic alive between vacations, they keep people informed about Disney news, and, personally, they help me feel better about my Disney obsession…there are a LOT of Disney-loving folks out there just like me and a bunch of ’em host podcasts.

Disney podcasts come in lots of forms and even focus on sub-topics.  I’m partial to ones that focus mostly on Walt Disney World and have a couple of hosts that interact well with each other.  One of the newest shows in my weekly podcast listening lineup is The Dis Life Podcast. 

The Dis Life is hosted by David Hodges and most of the time, his daughter, Dannielle.  Dave The Dis Life Podcast Hostsalso has guests from time to time and  his low-key style of Disney-speak makes for a good listen.  I discovered The Dis Life when I wrote my first post about podcasts and a reader suggested I listen to this great new father/daughter podcast team.  I took that advice and have been a loyal listener ever since.

A while back, Dave was kind enough to answer a few interview questions so we could get to know a bit more about the man behind The Dis Life…

The Dis Life eat the kitchen sink before1.  What unexpected surprises (good and/or bad) has podcasting brought you? 

When my daughter and I started this we were doing it just for our own entertainment.  We hoped for an audience, but didn’t really believe that people would listen on a regular basis.  What we actually received was so much more in the way of friendships and real connections and many loyal listeners.  It was a very welcomed unexpected surprise.

2.  Who are the top three guests you’d be most thrilled to have on your show? 

If we’re dreaming big, I would say first off Walt Disney himself, but that may be a little too big. If I were to choose people who are still alive I would like to have on the show: 

A. Joe Rohde David Hodges of The Dis Life

B. The longest employed CM who still works in the parks, not an imagineer or office worker or head cheese, but a regular worker, like a custodial worker or someone like that

C. A cruise director from any of the 4 Disney ships 

3.  What’s your Disney lucky charm – or most favorite, treasured Disney item? 

My most treasured Disney item is actually the Walt Disney biography by Bob Thomas. I am David Hodges' Favorite Disney Treasurebeyond fascinated with the life of Walt Disney. I have a lot of Disney stuff from pins to coffee cups and snow globes, but if I could only keep one item it would be this book.

4.  The one thing you love most about Disney parks?

I have thought about this many times and I think I enjoy the detail in everything the most. I have been to Disneyland and WDW so many times in my life that I still enjoy the rides, but that is not why I go. I love exploring the new areas as well as finding things that have been there forever, but I just never saw them.

5.  Best advice about podcasting you’ve ever received?

The best advice I have received was to have fun with it and be personable and authentic. When you start thinking of it as a job, paid or unpaid, the fun ends and it becomes a chore. No one like chores.

We’ve only been doing this podcast for about 7 months and I have followed all that advice. It is continuing to be fun and I have made a lot of friends in the process. 

David Hodges6.  Best advice about vacationing at a Disney park you’ve ever received – and you think everyone should know?

Take a break! I was told this long ago and I have done it both ways with trying to go from rope drop to close and also by taking breaks. My vacations that I took a break each day were more enjoyable than the one’s that I didn’t. If you think you can do it all in one day, you are mistaken and you will miss half the magic.

I think this advice is more valuable than making budget or looking for the deals or finding shorter lines during parades and fireworks. I think it’s the key to truly enjoying your time in the parks.

7.  How did you first learn about Disney podcasts?  Was that your inspiration for starting one of your own?

I have been interested in podcasting for a long time. I didn’t really know a lot about Disney podcasts at first. I listened to a lot of self-help and business podcasts starting off. I also listened to a lot of how to podcast podcasts. 

I eventually decided that it was time to start my own podcast, but I had a few ideas on what I D Hodgeswanted to talk about. My first thought was to do a family podcast since I have a degree in psychology, I’m not a psychiatrist by any means, but I was going to talk about life and things that most people go through. More of a support podcast. That is still on my radar as well as a few other things. I eventually said I wanted to do something I was passionate about and also something I could do with my 16-year-old daughter (now 17). We spend a lot of time every year at WDW so it was a no-brainer to do a Disney podcast. This is when I started researching other Disney podcasts. This is also when I realized that there were a lot of them ranging from news to travel info to adults only. I was surprised to see how many Disney podcasts were rated “explicit”. Even though I was going to be presenting info that was already being talked about we were going to be the only father/daughter Disney podcast out there. At least I didn’t see any and still have not seen it. My thought was that people would like to hear about Disney from different age groups. I guess, to answer the question, my inspiration to start the podcast was my daughter and having an opportunity for us to do something different together.

The Dis Life Podcast is available on iTunes and Stitcher.

Follow David Hodges and The Dis Life:


Instagram: thedizlife

Twitter: @thedislife


Voices of Disney – Remembering Eartha Kitt

Yzma from Disney's The Emperor's New GrooveMost of the “Voices of Disney” I feature here are individuals I became acquainted with because of their association with Disney films or attractions.  Eartha Kitt (1927 – 2008) is a different story.  Remember…I’ve been around a while and Eartha Kitt’s contribution to music and 1960’s television were well-know to me long before Ms. Kitt voiced one of my all time favorite Disney villains – Yzma in The Emperor’s New Groove and it’s sequel, Kronk’s New Groove.

First – what I knew before I met Yzma:  Eartha Kitt sang two songs that I particularly love:  “Where is My Man” (1983) and “Santa Baby” (1953) – both songs are alike in that they’re about a woman desiring the finer things in live and believing a man is the only way to get them!  Very typical of the times they were originally recorded (30 years apart!), the songs are fun and clever, not to mention catchy – if currently a tad politically incorrect.  Okay, do you remember Batman the TV series?  Julie Newmar was Catwoman (13 episodes, 1966/67) first – she totally freaked me out!  Very strange – I suppose in a villain, that’s good.  She was sexy and twisted and played well opposite Adam West’s Batman.  Then Eartha Kitt stepped in (1967/68) and gave Catwoman a whole new look The Secret Lab - Disney's The Emperor's New Grooveand attitude!  She had this way of moving her hands that was particularly cat-like.  And her voice!  Purrrrrfect!!!  If you’re reading this and you remember Eartha’s Catwoman, please leave me a comment! (Which Catwoman was your favorite?)

“Tell us where the talking llama is and we’ll burn your house to the ground” – Yzma

Now, what do I love about Yzma?  To begin with, I find it hilarious how much she actually resembles Eartha Kitt!  I adore Kronk and love Yzma for teaming up with him.  The two of them Kronk - Disney's The Emperor's New Grooveare so hysterical!  She’s loaded with the baggage of jealousy and unfulfilled dreams while Kronk is just an extremely dense super-nice guy who’s loyal to Yzma while managing to see the silver lining on every cloud.  He’s there to tote her baggage (literally and figuratively) while she tries in vain to triumph through a variety of ill-conceived schemes.  I don’t know about you, but I think she’s a pretty likable villain and I find myself rooting for her at times.  Her hair-brained ideas are kind of endearing to me.

Before I go, I feel the need to add that The Emperor’s New Groove is completely underrated and underappreciated.  There.  I feel better now.  To the SECRET LAB!

Your turn – Have you even seen The Emperor’s New Groove?  Are you a fan of Yzma and Kronk?