Shorts Saturday: What Made Me Smile Today week’s Shorts Saturday, a blog hop hosted by Adventure in the Great Wide Somewhere , is going to be quite a challenge.  The subject:  What made me smile today – is pretty easy since I smiled a lot.  The hard part is describing it in 50 words or less.  FIFTY!  Yikes.  I’ll do my best….here goes:

It’s cold and dreary out.  Winter’s still going strong, but I can always count on my husband to know just what we need.  We’re starting our evening off with a glass of wine and online shopping for Disney travel posters.  Perfect reminder of summer and our last Disney cruise.  DSCN2986

1 thought on “Shorts Saturday: What Made Me Smile Today

  1. I love the idea of doing what made you smile! I’m trying to do something for me everyday, doesn’t always happen but it definitely boosts my mood. Wine often features!

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