Disney friends, you will totally get this post. The pull of Disney is strong! While we’re pining for our next vacation, we often find the need to surround ourselves with a bit of Disney happiness. These touches of Disney soothe us while we’re saving, planning, and waiting (oh, the waiting!) for that return to our favorite Disney destination. There’s nothing to be ashamed of! We all know that…
Home is Where You Hang Your Ear Hat
Some of us go full-on Disney décor. Personally, I find a well placed Disney souvenir or collectible to be enough to bring back a happy memory and remind me that we’ll be back to making more memories in the Disney Bubble in the future. When that post-Disney depression comes on strong, I take a minute to look around my house and that’s all I need to cheer me up. (Henry Jones, Jr. is always available to chase those blues away!)
Marry Poppins is in the foyer.
The poster from 2014’s Food & Wine Festival (in the living room) reminds us of our 25th anniversary trip.
Some of our favorite characters hang out in the kitchen.
Mickey keeps an eye on who’s coming and going from the top of the stairs.
Planning materials are always handy in the library (and Bay Lake Tower is there too). Along with our overstuffed curio of Disney treasures.
Recently I changed up the contents of the built-in shelves in our living room. They’d been full of family pictures forever. Missing Joseph, I decided to turn those shelves into a collection of things we love and I’m super happy with the results. More than just Disney, each shelf tells a little story. Cardinal baseball and chicken love are also on display. (Pigasus is my spirit animal.)
It’s mostly Disney though for all the usual reasons I’ve detailed here over the years and now because Walt Disney World is where Joseph is…for another three weeks, anyway. (I sure do miss that kid!)
I’ve got an idea. Why don’t you snap a picture or two of your favorite Disney-at-home decorations and share them over on the Facebook page. I’d love to see them!