If you’ve seen plenty of parades in the past, particularly if you’ve seen the 3-O’Clock parade in Magic Kingdom at Walt Disney World, it might be tempting to skip it on your next visit. How many characters-on-parade must one endure in the blazing hot Florida sun? They’re all the same, right? Classic characters smiling and waving to the sweaty masses. It’d be a much better use of a steamy, sweltering afternoon to relax back at your resort – preferable poolside, am I right? I hear you! Anddddddd…you’re 100% wrong! If you’ve not seen the parade’s latest version (new in 2014), listen to me…please!
Why You Must See Festival of Fantasy …
1. This ain’t your parents’ parade! Everything from the music to the float design, character costumes, and supporting cast is fresh, exciting and amazingly cutting-edge. This is no ordinary parade – from the ground to the towering tops of each float, this spectacular attraction is a feast for the eyes (and ears)! I’ve seen Festival of Fantasy several times now and always notice something new with each viewing.
2. The whole is greater than the sum of its parts. Yes, kids love seeing the likes of Mickey, Minnie, Donald, Daisy, Anna and Elsa, Cinderella, Belle, Aurora, Tiana, and their princes. They are fantastic. But wait! There’s more!
3. Oh, the memories! Characters from Fantasia, Pinocchio, Sleeping Beauty, The Little Mermaid – my lifetime of Disney-movie-love is all wrapped up in this parade!
That’s what makes it such a must-do for me – the unusual, oft overlooked characters that I get to see in splendid detail. If I’m lucky, they’ll even wave or pose for a picture!
4. It’s more than the headliners that pack a punch. Peter Pan’s Lost Boys are there! Fantastic, magical sea creatures float along with Ariel. Merida on giant bagpipes,
Alice, the White Rabbit, Jiminy Cricket, the colors, the motion, the tiny Disney details – Best Parade EVER! Characters from Tangled are especially entertaining – as is the Snuggly Duckling float. See Flynn Rider smolder!
5. Okay, YES! It’s the Steampunk Dragon!!! Seriously – even if you loathe, detest, and despise parades, this one’s worth watching if for no other reason than there’s a giant FIRE BREATHING DRAGON! And this mechanical wonder is beyond amazing!
From her toes to knee caps, to her glorious tail and beautiful face – Maleficent in her magnificent dragon form is seriously breathtaking. Even her entourage is cool.
Promise me – if you haven’t see the Festival of Fantasy Parade yet, you won’t miss it!
If you’ve seen this incredible, sensational spectacle, what were your favorite parade moments? Recommendations for first-timers?