While running is a very popular sport here in Louisiana (and maybe where you live), I hang around with plenty of non-runners and take a fair amound of ribbing about my love for taking to the road on foot. “But what are you running FROM?” I get asked. People also wonder if I’m worried about my knees or hips. I’m much more worried about my heart and brain since those cannot be replaced – I’m actually running from bad genes. Exercise is good for me and running is my cardio of choice for a variety of reasons, not the least of which is that running takes no eye-hand coordination. Good for me, since I don’t have any.
This fall has been a standout running season for me! Not because I’m running faster, but because I’ve had company on my long runs. This is HUGE if you’ve ever had to run in the Louisiana heat and humidity alone for miles and miles. Joseph started running with me after I talked him into participating in the Dirty South Half Marathon, which will be his first (coming up November 15th).
Megan jumped in for a few weeks leading up to her wedding when she was worried about pre-wedding weight gain (silly girl). What fun we had talking about the wedding and the future! Joseph and I ran together on the morning of Megan’s wedding – helped us both with nerves.
Training for the 2016 Princess Half Marathon
Since August, Joseph and I have run the local Komen Race for the Cure and another 5K, the Dine and Dash/Walk and Wobble, during the North Delta Food and Wine Festival. Our next race, this Saturday, is a 10K – the Grin and Bear It (a nod to the Louisiana Black Bear). The course is flat and fast and I’m hoping for a great time to use as my proof of time for the Princess Half Marathon in February. Corral placement for the Princess is based on proof of time and I made it to corral “F” this year – I’m hoping for a repeat. If my time’s not great, I’ll still have the Dirty South Half for a proof of time – just two days before the cutoff.
One of the best things about running with someone has been finding cool things to look at along the way – so much more fun when there’s another person to share it with.
We’ve seen some incredible insects, huge spiders, plenty of deer, tiny lizards, and, on more than one occasion, snakes. First Megan and I came across a very full and sluggish rattle snake.
More recently, Joseph and I were nearly finished with 9 miles when a small pine snake actually struck at Joseph as we ran by.
That’ll make you run faster for a minute – we did go back to take the spunky little guy’s picture – he was pretty cool.
Are you training for a race? What training moments have been your favorite? If you’ll be at the Princess Half, be sure to let me know!