It’s been a long time since we’ve had an exciting round of What-if Wednesday! It’s the game where we use our imagination to answer Disney-specific “What-if” questions. This installment’s question came about innocently enough. I was (big surprise!) thinking about food. Then, as usual, my thoughts strayed to Disney food. I began craving the Jalapeno Cheese Pretzel I like so much in Animal Kingdom. Once I started daydreaming about Animal Kingdom, I thought of my favorite ride, Expedition Everest. In my mind I was in Animal Kingdom, eating the pretzel, riding EE! BOOM! WHAT IF, we were actually allowed to enjoy our favorite rides/attractions while enjoying our favorite Disney snacks?!? I threw the question out to you on Facebook and Twitter and WOW! Big response – It’s good to know I’m not alone in my Disney food and ride daydreaming. Lots of you weighed in and some of you were incredibly creative!
Without furter ado, here are your answers! (Note: If you’re new to the game, I make up the rules and give the points and pick a winner based on nothing that matters in a completely senseless, random process. So if you didn’t win this time, be sure to play again soon!)
What if you could enjoy a Disney snack while on your favorite Disney attraction? name the snack/ride combo you’d choose:
Let’s start with Twitter!
The first answer was from @EpcotAKL who suggested A Dole Whip and Spaceship Earth and then politely inquired about my favorite combo. I felt pretty pitiful admitting to the pretzel on EE after this creative answer that combined a classic Magic Kingdom snack with an Epcot attraction.
As one would imagine, the Dole Whip was a popular choice!
@distinctlydis thought a classic Dole Whip in the Tiki Room sounded nice. – For a bunch of people this would be Disney park snack/attraction nirvana. For me…dang it, I just wish I could like a Dole Whip and fit in with the rest of the kids on the playground!
@Chad_Reno13 piped up with “Carrot Cake Cookie on Splash Mountain” YES! This was the type of creative answer I was hoping for! Logistical improbability aside, the famous Carrot Cake Cookie from the Writer’s Stop in the Studios combined with a ride through the briar patch. Zip-a-Dee–Doo–Dah!!!
@MSimbaspride wanted “Tasty popcorn on Tower of Terror” Let’s think about this for a minute – while the elevator is going down and the popcorn rises out of its container, you could make a game of trying to catch a couple of bites before…well….I can tell this needs more consideration, but FUN thinking there, Michele!
@ModernMouseJosh had a simple, but classic wish with, “I’d eat a churro while riding the Jungle Cruise.” I was down right flabbergasted that this was our only churro-lover to answer!
@theWDWblog voted for a margarita from @cavadeltequila & Tower of Terror, but worried, “I’d better chug it down quickly” – and also added “for a food option I’m going with a carrot cake cookie from the Writer’s Stop too.”
@CT_Mickey_Man wished for “Fish ‘n Chips with a Bass on Ellen’s Energy Adventure” and I could not argue with the brilliance of that plan!!! After noshing on Yorkshire County’s best dish, I’d need a nap and would conveniently already be in one of my favorite siesta locations in Epcot.
Now, my friend @GeekinOnWDW had to suggest “Kitchen Sink on Rock ‘n’ Roller Coaster” – which, of course would be a very tragic disaster indeed, but oh, so funny to imagine!
@DLRpodcast would be happy with a “Citrus Swirl on Splash Mountain, just would have to finish it before the drop!” I say what fun is that? Live dangerously!
@brandongradelle was another tequila fan and suggested “@cavadeltequila dole whip on the peoplemover” – this was well-played to me. Double parks, spiked yet refreshing snack choice (if you like a Dole Whip, that is) on a crazy chill ride. I really liked this idea!
If @RLShack could score a sarsaparilla, he’d be drinkin’ it on the Carousel of Progress! Points for choosing what I consider to be the most underappreciated attraction in the World!
@whitetimothyd would be going for a BIG snack! “a Maelstrom margarita with chips and queso from @cavadeltequila on Carousel of Progress”. This kicks @RLShack’s plan up a notch and I love the addition of the new tribute-to-Maelstrom cocktail.
@EPCOT_Prime would be going for a meal! Admittedly taking some liberties with the concept, the plan would be, “Prime Rib from Le Cellier whilst riding Haunted Mansion”…which begs the question: Who wouldn’t want to do that?!?
@smurflufe agreed with @brandongradelle, commenting “Pour me one. That sounds relaxing. Or a Dole Whip in the Tiki Room”.
@NickWayMania actually went for partial-healthiness! “caramel & apples on the Peoplemover”.

Drying off on the PeopleMover after getting soaked on Splash
@Xaan was the final Twitter contributor with another vote for “Dole Whip + Peoplemover”
Over on Facebook, the comments were just as creative!
Laura L. jumped right on in with the popular Dole Whip, but was the first person who wanted to enjoy it on It’s a Small World!
Heather B. thought a Mickey ice cream sandwich on Haunted Mansion would provide chills and chills!!! Heather’s clever like that!
Walt Express’s Amanda wanted “Peter Pan’s Flight and a funnel cake (kind of messy, but oh well)” – Sounds pretty good to me!
Kendra F. wanted a pretzel on It’s a Small World, which would certainly bring two great classics together. I’d give everyone on It’s a Small World a pretzel if I could – it would keep them from singing along. Or using flash photography.
AND THE WINNER IS: @whitetimothyd!!! I cannot think of anything I’d enjoy more while watching the years pass in the Carousel or Progress than snacking away on a Maelstrom margarita and chips and queso from @cavadeltequila. Congratulations, Tim!
Watch Facebook and Twitter for the next chance to play What-if Wednesday!!!
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