Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from Random House Publishers. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”
The Ride of a Lifetime by Robert Iger
I was thrilled when I received an email from a Random House representative asking if I’d like to receive a complementary copy of Bob Iger’s memoir, The Ride of a Lifetime. It arrived not long before our recent trip to Walt Disney World for the Dopey Challenge. Thinking it would be a great book to enjoy while waiting in the airport and on the plane, I saved it to enjoy on vacation.

From the emotional prologue (I ugly cried) to the “Lessons to Lead By”, The Ride of a Lifetime provides interesting details about things I already knew quite a bit about and, most surprisingly, things I’d never heard before. I especially appreciated the book’s backdrop of the many cultural changes that have taken place in corporate America over the past several decades. I’ve experienced many of these myself (thank goodness!). I’ve often wondered what Bob Iger was thinking and feeling during some of Disney’s biggest struggles and successes…now I know. He seems surprisingly self-aware and doesn’t shy away from discussing some of the more uncomfortable decisions he’s had to make.
Learning to Lead
The leadership lessons Bob Iger has accumulated through the years are passed along in the book through storytelling. Readers are given an understanding about how the various lessons were learned: through good decision making, mistakes in judgement, or pure luck. The stories are interesting and, more importantly, allow Bob Iger to share his leadership principles with the reader in a way that doesn’t come across as preachy or condescending.

The Ride of a Lifetime is a satisfying read whether you’re interested in learning management skills from a corporate giant or you’re simply a Disney fan…or, like me, a bit of both. Regardless of your opinion of the job Bob Iger’s done at the Disney helm for the past 15 years, this memoir offers a big serving of insight. Readers are given an explanation of how various elements shaped many of the Disney Company’s changes we’ve seen and we’re offered a glimpse of what the future may hold.
The Ride of a Lifetime is available here.