Meet My Friend Nick from Disney Musings

RM-Nick-and-Lisa-at-EpcotIf you happened to catch this post about how much I enjoy meeting new and not-so-new friends at Walt Disney World, then you’ve heard me mention my buddy Nick and his wife, Barbie.  Nick and I both are contributing writers at Tips from the Disney Divas and Devos, which is how we met.  Nick and Barbie live in New Jersey and have their own blog called Disney Musings.

One of the things I like about Nick and Disney Musings is that he and I are often of differing opinions on Walt Disney World restaurants and attractions.  It makes for fun debates and good-natured ribbing.  For example, Nick and Barbie consider the Hollywood Brown Derby one of their all-time favorite Disney World restaurants, me?  Not so much.  It’s also great to know, after meeting them, that Barbie and Nick are as kind and fun in person as they seem to be on Disney Musings.  It’s fun reading other Disney fans’ views on various aspects of Disney travel and entertainment.  Disney Musings also has a RM-Barbie-Nick-Lisafew other contributing writers who offer many different perspectives on a huge variety of Disney travel topics – including Walt Disney World, Disneyland and Disney Cruise Line.

Nick and Barbie have some incredible Disney collectibles and amazing Disney Christmas decorations I’d love to show you.  And I will!  Show you, I mean.  Starting next Saturday, I’ll share one of Disney Musings’ blog posts here for you to read each week.  I know you’ll enjoy following along with Nick and Barbie on some of their Disney adventures as much as I do.  Wait until you see some of their awesome Disney Halloween and Pirate Night costumes!

Check back on Saturdays for some extra Disney fun!  If you want to get a jump on exploring all the goings on at Disney Musings, click here.

Like Disney Musings on Facebook here.

Follow Disney Musings on Twitter here and Instagram here.



Listening In: Disney Podcasts

I enjoy reading other people’s perspectives on topics I love, like Disney in general and today, Disney podcasts in particular.  Please join me in welcoming back my good friend and fellow Disney fan Andrew Carrieri.  Andrew listens to Disney podcasts like I do – daily!  We listen to some of the same shows, but Andrew has introduced me to a couple of new ones in today’s article.  Here are Andrew’s favorite shows and why he listens.

Listening In: Disney Podcasts

I am admittedly bizarre when it comes to Disney podcasts. I am a shy geek and consider the hosts of the shows I listen to to be friends even though I have never met any of them in person. I always enjoy our conversations on social media and enjoy the respective shows even more because of this interaction. With that said, I regularly listen to six Disney podcasts, which I will detail below in the order I started listening to themRM-WDW-Today-Podcast

1) WDW Today ( Ol’ reliable. Hosted by Matt, Len, a pair of Mikes, and Annette with assorted guests on occasion, WDW Today has been running regularly since 2005. New episodes are released every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, and focus primarily on trip planning. The episodes are shorter than those of most Disney podcasts, usually lasting between fifteen and thirty minutes. The Monday and Friday episodes usually consist of general discussion about Walt Disney World-related topics, while Wednesday episodes are devoted to answering listener questions—be warned that the email queue is notoriously backlogged, so your question will probably not be answered immediately save for the rare occasions when Mike Newell serves as the primary host.

My favorite episodes are the ones where Len, the owner of and co-author of The Unofficial Guide to Walt Disney World, reveals the results of the book’s annual reader surveys. Episode 1335, for example, highlighted reader opinions on attractions at the Magic Kingdom. The tone of the show can be positive or negative depending on the topic being discussed; the hosts will bluntly tell you if they do not like something. The panel has a great sense of humor and some episodes can be hysterically funny. The panel also does a monthly live show on a Sunday night where listeners can call in with questions.RM-Be-Our-Guest-Podcast

2) Be Our Guest ( This show, hosted by Mike, Rikki, Pam, and Debbie, runs the same Monday, Wednesday, and Friday schedule as WDW Today, and also focuses on trip planning. The three shows have different emphases. Mondays are devoted to listener trip reports, Wednesdays bring listener questions, and Fridays feature a general panel discussion about specific Disney topics. Some of these Friday topics are creative and thought provoking; a recent episode, for example, had the panel thinking of ways to “spookify” Walt Disney World attractions in honor of Halloween. The panel also hosts one live call-in show each month.  Discussion emphasis is placed on Walt Disney World, but Disneyland, the Disney Cruise Line, Tokyo Disneyland, and Adventures by Disney have also been dissected. One of the best features of the podcast is the related message forum. The members are incredibly fun and supportive of one another, and I definitely recommend becoming a member!RM-Generation-Mouse-Podcast

3) Generation Mouse ( This show brings “a young adult’s perspective on all things Disney.” Episodes have been released sporadically as of late, but the shows are fun. The hosts, Mark, Libby, Ashleigh, Jen, Elizabeth, Kim, and the producer, Chris, clearly enjoy talking Disney and have an awesome sense of humor. Episodes vary in length from around twenty minutes to about an hour and highlight recent Disney news and topics, including movies and television in addition to the theme parks.RM-Disney-Film-Project-Podcast

4) Disney Film Project ( Each Monday, Ryan, Todd, Cheryl, and Rachel analyze a specific Disney movie. I usually listen to this show after watching the film in question so that I can compare my thoughts with those of the panelists. The highlighted movies range from classic animated features such as Dumbo (1941) to divisive sequels such as The Hunchback of Notre Dame II (2002) to obscure live-action flicks like The Strongest Man in the World (1975) to new releases like Frozen (2013).RM-WDW-NE-Podcast

5) WDW NE Podcast ( On this fairly new show, a great group of Disney fans from the northeastern United States—Dean, Paulie, Sal, and Mike—discuss Disney news and general topics, including the individual Walt Disney World parks, Downtown Disney, and the Disney Store. The latter subject, rarely tackled by other podcasts, has produced some interesting conversation on this show. Episodes have ranged in length from about forty-five minutes to nearly two hours. Most episodes culminate in a contest segment called “Paulie’s Corner.” Here, Paulie dishes out a hypothetical subject for the others to “imagineer.” Sometimes, Paulie lets listeners decide the winner through twitter and email votes, so be sure to cast your ballot!RM-Fit-Mouse-Podcast

6) FitMouse ( This new show combines general health and fitness information with Disney discussion. The hosts, Bekka and Marci, are huge Disney fans and have fun with the show. A recent Halloween episode discussed Halloween candy before delving into a discussion of popular Disney Halloween movies.

You can find Andrew as a contributing writer at The Mouse For Less and on Twitter @AndrewCfran.

What Disney podcasts do you listen to? Let me know in the comments!


While I’m at Walt Disney World This Week

Toy Story Midway Mania Queue Mr. Potato HeadIf you’ve been hanging around here for a while, you know how I hate to go on vacation and leave the place unattended.  I wouldn’t want you to get bored or lonely or have nothing new to see.  This week is no exception and I’m proud to announce that I’ve left some very special folks in charge of entertaining you!

Please help me welcome some of my favorite podcast hosts!

Here’s a sneak peak of what you can expect to read about this week:

On Monday – Scott Campbell, co-host of the Dixie Landings Radio Podcast, will drop by with an introduction about and some background on this great new show.

On Tuesday – Welcome back Curtis Stone, co-host of the Geekin’ on WDW Podcast.  Curt LOVES to have fun at Walt Disney World and offers some very valuable tips on making the most of your Disney vacation time…being goofy!!!

On Wednesday – Sean Duffy, of the Enchanted Tiki Talk Podcast, will bring you his personal experience with becoming a member of the Disney Vacation Club.  I know several of you have been thinking about buying DVC points and will love reading Sean’s story.Magic Kingdom's Tomorrowland

On Thursday – I’ll take a minute to report in from Walt Disney World and let you know how our vacation week is going.  I’m sure to have a thousand pictures by then (and I’ll have gained a few pounds as well).  If you don’t already follow along on Facebook, head on over there and see what I’m sharing while in the parks and resort restaurants!

On Friday – Those two wild and crazy guys, Gary and Mike, from the Por Favor Podcast will be stopping by with some VERY important Walt Disney World tips for….well, I’ll let you be surprised.

See?  I may be taking a few days off, but you’ll be in excellent hands.  If you’ve never listened to a Disney podcast before, I highly suggest you start with these:

Dixie Landings Radio

Geekin’ on WDW

Enchanted Tiki Talk

The Por Favor Podcast

I hope everyone has a great week – I’ll see ya real soon!

Which Disney Characters Are We?

THE Disney EarHat for ME!I started thinking (don’t say it!) about what Disney characters I like the most…and the least.  This lead me to wonder why I like them or don’t and what characteristics they possess that I do or do not identify with.  I’m sure I’m the only person in the world who thinks about weird stuff like this…but I do and so I’m sharing these random, wandering thoughts with you now.

Long meandering thought process all neatly wrapped up and tied with a bow:  Which Disney characters make up my personality?  Think about yourself – who do YOU identify with the most?  I bet you also find it’s not limited to just one character.  Thus the ponderings of today’s post…

Which Disney Characters Are We?

I am…

Belle.  Beauty and the Beast is my favorite Disney animated film.  I identify with Belle’s go-with-Belle and Gastonthe-flow attitude and her pragmatic approach to life – sometimes you have to do things that are unpleasant, deal with it.  I’m with Belle in that we’re not going to let anyone push us around.  I also love books.  I’m an avid reader and, like Belle, I’m interested in the escape books offer; the opportunity to travel to far off places and have an adventure!

Peter Pan.  On the outside, the mileage shows, but on the inside…I’m actually 10.  I love the wonder of everyday life and will stop to look at an interesting spider, try something new, discover why and how things work the way they do.  I’m serious and mature (mostly) when I have to be, but I still wonder what I’m going to be when I grow up.  I also like animals including snakes and lizards and am completely unfazed by them.  I love nothing better than to travel and explore.

PigletPiglet.  Inside lurks a loyal, but anxious friend.  As much as I can tackle change and roll with most things life dishes out, I am often a world class worrier when it comes to people I love.  Before I had children, I used to read any and everything Stephen King could dish out.  Then it was like getting married and starting a family turned up the volume on my imagination.  I could suddenly, easily picture horrific outcomes to the most mundane situations in vivid, graphic detail.  Probably my children are scarred for life by the fact that they weren’t allowed to have a trampoline, scooter, skateboard, go-cart, and so on.  I’m sure they’ll let their kids have that stuff because they were denied those things and then my grandchildren will….woops!  There I go again.

The Evil Queen.  Hey, I have flaws just like everyone else and I can admit it.  Two of the worst are my competitive streak (a mile wide) and perhaps being overly concerned at times (okay a LOT of the time) about my appearance.  I like clothes.  I like shoes.  I want to look nice.  I can totally sympathize with the queen from Snow White – it’s tough getting old!  When you feel great on the inside, you’d like the mirror to lie to you from time to time!  I’m not in line for fillers, Botox or to have “a little work done” – I wouldn’t mind a bit if gravity would leave me alone for the next little while though.

Ariel-EarhatAriel.  Sure, I like to swim, am kind of a hoarder, and may have disobeyed a parent once or twice growing up, but that’s not what I find most in common with the Little Mermaid.  It’s leaving your family and your home behind forever for true love.  And that’s all I need to say about that.

What about you?  Haven’t you ever watched a Disney animated film and thought – Hey!  That character reminds me of ME!??  Which Disney character(s) are you?