Epcot’s Canada – Le Cellier’s Cheddar Cheese Soup



 O’ Canada!  What a great Epcot pavilion.  Not just because of the Canadian Beer kiosk out front (Molson or Moosehead, anyone?), or “Off Kilter” the kilt-sporting band that provides “Celtic rock” entertainment (who doesn’t love a bunch of guys in kilts?).  No, it doesn’t have a ride (like Mexico or Norway) or a cool department store (Japan), but it does have Le Cellier Steakhouse.  Scoring a reservation to this cozy (read:  small) table service restaurant takes luck, flexibility and serious planning!  Even at 180 days out, you’ve got to be willing to take what you can get and plan the day around it.

Le Cellier (The Cellar) is designed as a dine-in wine cellar.  Think exposed beams and stone arches.  It’s dark, it’s romantic, and lit by softly glowing candles and chandeliers, serves upIMG_3006 some delicious steaks.  What people really talk about though, is the soup.  The cheddar cheese (with beer) soup is wildly popular – Le Cellier’s signature dish!  We order it every time we go…it’s served with breadsticks and is practically a meal on its own.

As I mentioned last Saturday, the cooler weather has brought on serious soup cravings.  I want Le Cellier’s cheddar cheese soup!  Well….since I’m not going to Disney World, I’ll just have to bring a little Disney World to me and find the recipe!  I started at my premier choice for IMG_2089all Disney food info – The Disney Food Blog.  Eureka!  Sure enough, it was right here.  In the Chef BigFatPanda’s DIY Disney Column.  So, basically 11 ingredients (I’m not counting salt, pepper, or the chive garnish since I – gasp – changed the garnish). 

I like to cook and I cook a lot.  I don’t bake much (yes, there’s a difference between cooking and baking) because my sweet tooth is nearly non-existent and baking generallyIMG_2090 takes more precision with measurements (not my thing).  This recipe was fairly easy.  I served it with a spinach salad (dried cranberries, toasted pecans, feta, balsamic vinaigrette) and some French bread.  Raymond took me shopping and out to lunch today (for my birthday), so soup for supper was just the ticket.  Megan and Grant (her boyfriend of 3 years) joined us for dinner – Megan brought the birthday cake (Thanks, sweetie).  Only drawback was missing Joseph (Expand your mind, Sonny, I’ll see you on Thanksgiving break), but what a great meal (and good company) to end a wonderful day.

IMG_2091How do you bring Disney World to YOU? 

Mini Spoiler-Free THOR Review

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Thor:  The Dark World

So, Raymond and I contributed to the $86 million Thor took in over its opening weekend by going on a movie date.  My two cents:

Much better than the first Thor movie (and not just because Thor is sporting longer, better-looking hair – but it works for him, just sayin’).  I’ve enjoyed all the Marvel movies, but the first Thor was actually my least favorite.  I’m pretty sure it was all the jumping around between different story lines that made it less than fantastic to me – and I find the Asgardian accents a bit strange and inconsistent – but all that changed in Thor 2. 

This movie really brought out so much more depth in each character.  ReneGeneral Dis Pics 11.13 036 Russo’s Frigga has a much larger role, the onion that is Loki has a few more layers peeled back – can I just add that Tom Hiddleston is incredible in this movie – best villain ever.  Even the all-seeing Heimdall (Idris Elba) opens up a bit.  Since this is a spoiler-free review, I’ll be careful, but if you saw the trailers for Thor, you know that Jane Foster (Natalie Portman) goes with Thor to Asgard – I thought this would be totally weird, but it was fine and helped bring everything together nicely for the story.

Bottom line – if you weren’t a huge fan of Thor after the first movie, give him another chance.  Thor:  The Dark World has edge-of-your-seat action, emotion, super special effects and some hysterically funny parts you will absolutely love.  Important:  Stay in your seat until the last credits roll – there are two post movie scenes you don’t want to miss.

Did you see Thor this weekend?  What did you think?