Tim and Bob – The Men Behind the Resortloop Podcast

resortloop_logo_august_smallerOnce again, I’m thrilled to share with you another interview with the hosts of one of my favorite Disney podcasts!  Hop aboard the Resortloop Podcast – Gateway to the Magic.  I discovered this little gem a few months ago and these two guys from Ohio have taken up a little corner of my Disney heart.

“Please stand clear of the doors.  Por favor mantengase alejado de las puertas.” – Disney’s Monorail Announcer.

Meet Tim Scott and Bob Coller – two great, genuinely likable Disney fans who, in February, 2013, began their own Disney podcast.  Easy listening meets heartfelt Disney enthusiasm as these two, and an occasional guest, discuss ways to make the most of every Walt Disney World visit.  93 Episodes to date (in under a year!), each lasting about a half an hour, there are lots of reasons to tune in.  Personally, I like their perspectives – especially Bob’s since we’re the same age – and how they interact with each other.  One thing about the show I particularly appreciate is that, unlike almost ALL the Disney podcasts in my lineup, they did NOT take a holiday hiatus – there were new episodes to listen to every day from December 23rd to December 31st.  One other thing I need to mention before I get to the interview is how consistent each episode is – Tim and Bob are the same guys today as they were in the first episode – there was no need for them to develop their style over time or find their podcast’s “voice” – they’ve been themselves from day one because it works!

On to the interview: 

1.  What unexpected surprises (good and/or bad) has podcasting brought you? 

Tim – I have been surprised and overwhelmed by the graciousness and kindness of our listeners.  I never thought that we would have an audience as large and as quickly as we did!  Our audience has taken on an identity that we feel is unique in the Disney Podcast Community.  When Listener (and friend) Joe Quattrocchi coined the term “Looper” for listeners of the show, it immediately was a hit!  It has since spurned numerous hashtags: #Looper, #SuperLooper, #NewLooper, #LooperNation! It continues to be an awesome experience!

Bob – I am truly amazed at the incredible group of people that make up the Disney Community, and not just the sheer numbers of people, but the amazing quality of the people.  I feel that if I were to break down on mile marker xxx, on I-77, on my way to WDW, and tweeted about it, someone from the Disney Community would be there in minutes to help.  I am proud to be in this “fraternity”!

2.  Who are the top three guests you’d be most thrilled to have on your show?

Tim – If only it were possible to interview Walt or Roy (but I’m sure I’m not alone in that)!  Bob Iger would pretty cool too!


  1. Walt Disney – For obvious reasons
  2. Ube Iwerks – To find out more about the early years of the Walt Disney Company
  3. Diane Disney Miller – To hear “Dad” stories and learn about the “real” man.  As a father myself, no one can tell the real story of a man better  than his kids.Tim Scott Picture

3.  What’s your Disney lucky charm – or most favorite, treasured Disney item? 

Tim – I think for me, my favorite lucky charm would have to be my key chain.  It’s an Epcot key chain that I bought the year it opened  I bought it before I had a license and have had it with my car keys ever since.  It’s worn and beat up a little now but has lots of character!  I also bought another one a year later as a backup, which is around here somewhere.  Wow, I just realized its 30 years old!

Bob's WindbreakerBob – A Mickey Golf windbreaker I got on the very first trip with my daughter.

4.  The one thing you each love most about Disney parks?

Tim – The escapism the parks provide.  It’s not only true from park to park but also from “land to land” or “country to country” within each park.

Bob – The feeling when you are there!  It cannot be explained, it can only be felt.

5.  Best advice about podcasting you’ve ever received? if nothing – What have you learned about life from podcasting?

Tim – I never actually sought out any specific advice about podcasting.  It has taught me to try some new things.  Put yourself out there, share your thoughts, be yourself, and have fun while doing it, and people might listen!

Bob – Best advice I received was from my co-host Tim, who said, “Alright, we’re just going to start and see what happens.”

resortloop_com_basic_logot_shirt6.  Best advice about vacationing at a Disney park you’ve ever received – and you think everyone should know?

Tim – I’m a huge advocate of getting out of the parks in the heat of the day during the summer. Always enjoy the nap and/or swimming!   I also always tell people who are going on their first trip that there is no way you will do it all!  Plan well and enjoy what you do get to do!

Bob – “Look Up!” I took that to mean, look around, don’t rush to the next ride, enjoy what is around you.  It has made every trip much more enjoyable.

7.  How did you first learn about Disney podcasts?  Was that your inspiration for starting one of your own?

Tim – I had to find the time frame on this.  It was 2005, I was searching the internet looking for the old audio track that was played on AM radio as you entered WDW property.  I never found it but one of the results was “Inside the Magic” I don’t remember the exact episode that was out but it was in the single digits!  As far as inspiration for starting a podcast, never thought I would.  Bob and I would always have in-depth Disney conversations and I would quote Seinfeld and say “This could be a show”!  I bought some equipment told Bob we were starting a podcast and the rest is (recent) history!

Bob – Again, my co-host Tim!  He got me listening to a few and the rest as they say is…well…”Please Stand Clear of The Doors”!


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Shorts Saturdays – My First Disney Memory

Shorts Saturdays, inspired by the Disney Shorts, is a “question of the week blog hop” hosted by Adventure in the Great Wide Somewhere, with each prompt using a limited number of words.  Today’s prompt – Earliest Disney Memory in 100 words or less.  Not sure I can do it, but I’ll give it a try!

My earliest Disney memory dates back to around 1969 – when I was a very little girl.  I must photohave been enjoying a prolonged Sunday afternoon nap.  So long, my mother felt it necessary to actually wake me up.  I must have given some sleepy resistance because I distinctly remember the gentle words she used to draw me from slumber – if you don’t wake up, you’ll miss Wild Kingdom and Wonderful World of Disney.  Of course, that was all it took.  Sunday night was the very best TV night of the week!

Ratatouille – The Disney-Pixar Movie and the Food

IMG_1667During the summer, my kitchen can get pretty crowded with fresh vegetables.  This means I sometimes have to be creative with new recipes so nothing goes to waste.  I haven’t yet resorted to squash-chip-cookies or eggplant-cupcakes, but someday it may come to that.

Last summer I made my own interpretation of Ratatouille so we could have an at-home dinner-and-a-movie  that both saved us some money for an upcoming Disney Cruise AND got us in the mood for one of the cruise’s ports – in France!

I browsed in all my cookbooks and surfed my usual recipe websites (plus a few unusual ones as well) and Ratatouille Movienothing sounded exactly right, so I used bits and pieces of several recipes, threw in my own version of “getting fancy with the spices” and the results were quite tasty.  While Raymond and I are highly gluten tolerant omnivores, we regularly enjoy meatless meals and this turned out to be a great one.  I served the leftovers with some baked mahi-mahi the next day!

The veggies in this meal make a lot of juice which combines with tomato paste in the bottom of the baking dish to make a perfect sauce.  Served over pasta, you’ve got a healthy, light, and satisfying meal.  Grab a TV tray and press play.  Enjoy Ratatouille and Ratatouille at the same time!

Lisa’s RatatouilleRatatouille 2

  • 1 medium onion, diced
  • 2-3 cloves garlic, diced
  • 1 green onion, diced
  • Tomato Paste (use the 3 oz. or the 6 oz. can depending on how much sauce you like and how many veggies you use.)
  • 2T extra virgin olive oil + more for drizzling
  • 2t Herbs de Provence + salt and pepper to taste
  • pinch red pepper flakes
  • 3-4 Roma tomatoes, sliced
  • 1 eggplant, sliced
  • 1-2 zucchini, sliced
  • sliced mushrooms (optional)
  • A couple of dashes of red wine vinegar (optional)
  • freshly grated parmesan cheese
  • Pasta of your choice, cooked al –Ratatouille 4

Preheat oven to 375 degrees.  Trace the top of the casserole dish you intend to use onto a piece of parchment paper – cut slightly inside the line to make a paper lid for your dish that will lay on top of the vegetables.  Sauté the onion and green pepper in 2T olive oil until onion is translucent – add the garlic and cook for two minutes more.  Stir in the Herbs de Provence and red pepper flakes.  Remove from heat and set aside.

Spread tomato paste in the bottom of casserole dish.  This is when I add a couple of dashes of red wine vinegar to the tomato paste.  I like the tangy Ratatouille 5addition to the sweetness of the tomato paste – but this is totally up to you.  (I’m sure it’s still delicious without the vinegar.)  Spoon about 1/3 of onion/pepper mixture over tomato paste.  Then begin spiraling sliced vegetables in a single layer – drizzle with olive oil, salt and pepper (to taste), top with parmesan cheese and 1/3 of the onion/pepper mixture.  Add one more spiral layer of veggies, drizzle with oil, top with the remaining onions and peppers, add more parmesan. Ratatouille 3 TAH-DA!

Now add the little parchment-paper lid and tuck your masterpiece into the oven for 40-50 minutes depending on how well-done you like your vegetables.  Be sure you scoop down into the sauce at the bottom of the dish when serving.

What’s your favorite Disney dinner and a movie combo?Final Ratatouille


Enchanted Tiki Talk Podcast – Meet the Hosts!

Enchanted Tiki Talk 2As you know, I regularly enjoy quite a few Disney podcasts.  For me, they’re a great way to keep the magic alive between Disney vacations, find out new Disney travel tips and tricks, and just “hang out” with people who are every bit as passionate about Disney as I am.  One of my newest and best discoveries in the Disney podcast realm has been the Enchanted Tiki Talk Podcast.

Three guys, Sean, Keith and Alan, get together to talk Disney in a family friendly, low-key way that is just a pleasure to hear.  You feel like you’re right there with them in the Tiki Hut as they cover a variety of Disney topics and offer first hand reviews and advice for making your Disney Tiki Screen Shotvacation all it can be – I love the different points of view they present!  These guys are clearly good friends and their friendship comes across during every episode.  Topics are broad – you never know what awaits in the next installment.  They’ve discussed their Disney bucket lists, opinions on underrated and overrated attractions, how to eat on $40 a day at a Disney park, and, in Episode 7 – these guys even interviewed Bill Farmer!

Recently, I asked for an interview of my own with Sean, Keith, and Alan and they were kind enough to answer my questions!  All the answers were submitted separately, but you can tell by the answers how much these three have in common and why they’re such good friends.

1.  What unexpected surprises (good and/or bad) has podcasting brought you?

Sean:  For me its making some new friends on and off the show. You really get to see how passionate Disney fans are. And when I say Passionate sometimes its more obsessive but that’s a good thing. LOL. You also get to see how vacationing in Disney is different for everyone.

Alan:  For me, the biggest surprise has been the number of listeners and fans that have been listening to us and supporting us.  When we all agreed to take this adventure together, I knew that I’d have fun with Sean and Keith, but I wasn’t sure how we’d make a name for ourselves in the Disney podcast realm.  There are a lot of podcasts out there and many of them are very good.  There’s only so much time in the day for people to listen to us, so we face some stiff competition for their listening time.  It’s truly humbling to think that we have fans that 1MinDisneyDreamreally enjoy listening to us talk about something that we love.

Keith:  I started my website and was so shocked  about the size and passion of the Disney universe. I have made so many friends  it is humbling. When we started the podcast it was just to have fun and chat  about Disney. We hoped it would be received well, but were cautiously  optimistic. The support and love we have seen already is remarkable. The Disney  universe has embraced us and that is a very welcomed surprise. There hasn’t really been a bad with the podcast. However, starting on Twitter, then my  website, and now the podcast you learn that what you say gets to a lot of eyes  and ears. I used to be able to use social media to just let loose on my thoughts  and opinions. I still do to a point, but there is more at stake and you have to  be careful sometimes.

2.  Who are the top three guests you’d be most thrilled to have on your show? 


  • Samantha Brown –  Love her shows and she has such a great personality. You can see the passion she has with what she does. (Plus she said she was coming on)
  • Tom Hanks – My favorite actor and he just played Walt. I would love to get more of his insight on playing Walt in Saving Mr Banks.
  • Richard Sherman – I am a huge fan of him and his brothers music. Timeless songs that bring back such fond memories as a kid. Not too mention he has intimate knowledge of Walt.

Green Head of Doom!Alan:  My top three guests are Michael Eisner, Dick Sherman, and Dave Smith.

Keith:  Well one we already had on the show, Bill Farmer  (@goofybill) the voice of so many Disney and other characters including Goofy  and Pluto. The other two I would have to say are Joe Rhode and Rolly Crump.  NEWS FLASH:  Keith’s Rolly Crump interview wish comes TRUE – Stay tuned for Episode 13! 

3.  What’s your Disney lucky charm – or most favorite, treasured Disney item?

Sean:  This is an easy one for me. I have a Gold Mickey Pocket Watch from  my wife when we got married. I only wear it on special occasions, and Its something I want to hand down to my son when he gets older. Its a sentimental keepsake and has some great memories attached to it.

Alan:  I don’t have any lucky charms but I do have one Disney item that is very special to me and that is my finisher’s medal for the 2013 Tower of Terror 10-Miler.  That was my first ever road race and it was something that my wife and I did together.  The sense of accomplishment that we had when we crossed the finish line together is something I’ll never forget and the medal is a reminder of that.

Keith:  Wow this was a hard question for me! I think my favorite Disney item isn’t one that was bought at the parks or store.  My  mother is a very talented quilter. I found some fabric of the wallpaper from the  Haunted Mansion. The Haunted Mansion is my favorite attraction/ride at Walt  Disney World. She made me a quilt using that fabric. I love looking down and  seeing the eyes looking back at me! 

4.  The one thing you each love most about Disney parks?

Sean:  Its so hard to pick just one thing but its the memories that I have made over the years visiting there. My wife and I had our first vacation there, My son’s first trip and soon to be daughter’s first trip. Its such a Magical place that Magic does happen and memories that last a lifetime.

Alan:  When I’m on vacation at Walt Disney World, the real world is gone.  Walt Disney World is a place for me to escape from the wear and tear of normal life and act like a kid again.  I’m never happier than when I’m walking hand in hand with my wife through the property of Walt Disney World.  That’s what I love most about the Disney parks.

Akamai 2Keith:  This is like asking me what my favorite song  is. There are so many things, but the one thing that I love about Disney is the  escape. I started my obsession with Disney because of some dark times in my  life, and the one thing that gave me that escape was Disney. The ability to lose  yourself in fantasy and imagination allows you to get away from “real life” for  a while.

5.  Best advice about podcasting you’ve ever received? or What have you learned about life from podcasting?

Sean:  Best advice is be prepared for the topic you are talking about. Its also a lot easier when you have 2 other people you talk with. Conversations flow easily.

Alan:  No one ever gave me any advice about podcasting.  With the assistance of Sean and Keith, I have essentially just jumped in head first.  Doing this podcast every week has taught me just how fantastic the Disney community is overall.  I was nervous during the first episode but the listener response was so kind that I realized there was nothing to be nervous about.  I’ve made some amazing friends through the show and through social media and I’m glad that I am involved with the Disney community.

Keith:  I don’t think we received any  advice really. We just went into it with the attitude to make the show feel like  we are just three friends talking about Disney (which we are anyway).

6.  Best advice about vacationing at a Disney park you’ve ever received – and you think everyone should know?

Sean:  I can’t share any secrets how would that be fair to me 🙂 But seriously, plan. Make your dining reservations in advanced and have a general idea in what you want to see and do.

Alan:  Bring a poncho and fight through those afternoon rain storms.

Keith:   Just to enjoy your vacation! I  know that sounds corny but it’s true. Take it from me a very impatient, easily  annoyed, control freak in my normal life. The first time as an adult I went to  Disney World I wasn’t sure I would like it. I wasn’t fond of crowds, waiting,  heat, humidity, etc. However, the first time I walked on Main Street U.S.A and  looked at the castle. It was like I stepped into a time machine to when I was  five.  All that melted away and I was a different person.  I didn’t let things  annoy me and just enjoyed my vacation.

 7.  How did you first learn about Disney podcasts?  Was that your inspiration for starting one of your own?

Sean:  Inside the Magic was the first podcast that I listened to and since then I have been hooked. All the podcasts I have listened to over the years have inspired me.  Plus I always wanted to do one but did not want to do it myself. I wanted to share the experience with other passionate Disney fans.  After I appeared on Resortloop that sealed it for me. I thank those guys for lighting a fire under my ass to start one.

Alan:  My first exposure to Disney podcasts was Communicore Weekly.  That’s a fantastic show and the hosts are very interactive with their cadets (what they call their fans) and I admired that about Jeff and George.  They have a successful show and you can tell they really enjoy sharing their love of Disney with us.  That has been my inspiration with our show.  I love Walt Disney World and really enjoy talking about that with Sean and Keith.  When we record, that’s really all it is.  It’s the three of us just chatting about something we love and I especially enjoy being able to share that with our listeners and then have them chime in with their feelings.  Tiki Talk has really been a fantastic journey that has helped me make some great friends.  I’m so grateful for everything that has happened with the show.

Keith:   I learned about them through Twitter. I started  listening to them just to find out all of the news around the parks since I  wasn’t local.I started adding show after show to my playlist. I loved the  different opinions people have. I don’t think we had any “inspiration” to start  our own. We just wanted to talk Disney!

LuauBannerNow’s the time to jump on in and subscribe to the Enchanted Tiki Talk Podcast in iTunes.  With just 12 episodes to date, you can easily catch up!  If you already listen – I hope you now have a better understanding of the guys behind #tikiooze and all the Disney fun that goes on in the Tiki Hut!  Please don’t forget to rate and review in iTunes.

Here are all the places to find Sean, Alan, and Keith:

Enchanted Tiki Talk Podcast – Please like them on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/enchantedtikitalk

The Enchanted Tiki Talk Podcast is available on iTunes, Podbean, and Stitcher

Sean’s on YouTube at:  http://www.youtube.com/1minutedisneydreams and Facebook:  https://www.facebook.com/1MinuteDisneyDreams

Keith blogs at Dole Whip Daily.com – (get the tee-shirt here.)

On Twitter: