Meet Gary and Mike from the Por Favor Podcast

Por Favor Hosts Mike and Gary

Mike and (baby) Gary, friends from the start!

Disney Podcasts are a big part of my everyday life.  I know on which days of the week my favorite ones release new episodes, I listen to certain shows on my commute to and from work and certain ones while I run, I listen to some for news and updated Walt Disney World information.  A few, I listen to because they’re just plain fun!  Those are the ones where the hosts talk about their love for Disney, their favorite Disney resorts, foods, rides, attractions, and memories.  Honestly?  Those are my most favorite type of podcasts to listen to – you feel as if you’re right there with the show’s hosts, hanging out with friends.

Today I’d like to introduce you to one of those super fun podcasts and its hosts.  The Por Por Favor Podcast Hosts Mike and Gary as childrenFavor Podcast, just a few months old, has captured listeners’ hearts and gathered quite a sizable fan base – all because of two guys, cousins, Gary Arruda and Mike Hurley.  They’re two best friends just talking about Disney.  And sometimes sports and beer.  The fact that Gary’s in Rhode Island and Mike’s in Minnesota doesn’t make a difference – they’re a great podcasting team!  They may give each other a hard time, but their unmistakable friendship is what makes this podcast a hit.

I was fortunate enough to score an invitation to be a guest on a couple of episodes of the Por Favor Podcast (19 & 20), so I can tell you first hand – Gary and Mike are as charming, witty, fun and funny in real life as they seem to be on their show.  After we recorded the podcast, they were kind enough to grant me an interview.  Now you can get to know Gary and Mike better as well.

Meet Gary and Mike from the Por Favor Podcast

1.  What unexpected surprises (good and/or bad) has podcasting brought you?

Por Favor Podcast / Gary Snacking

Gary snacking on a Disney vacation

Gary:   Podcasting has been a lot of fun for me. I’ve always been full of hot air, so being able to share my thoughts and opinions on something I’m so passionate about is great. It’s been a huge surprise at how many people have become fans so soon. I assumed you had to establish yourself for a year before people would listen. We’ve been lucky that other great Disney podcasts have listened and mentioned us to their listeners. I know the guys at Resort Loop, Enchanted Tiki Talk and Drunk on Disney have all given us shout-outs on their shows, and it sends new people our way. I think the best thing to come out of doing the Por Favor Podcast thus far is some of the great friends we’ve made (like Lisa!).

Por Favor Podcast Host Mike sporting his Mickey Mouse Tee

Mike has been a Disney fan forever!


MikeHonestly, what was unexpected was that people would listen.  Gary and I started this, because we simply wanted to talk weekly about Disney and just throw it up on iTunes and Stitcher.  I had no clue people would listen and enjoy it and want to actively engage with it on Twitter and/or being on the show.

2.  Who are the top three guests you’d be most thrilled to have on your show?  (Dream big here)

Por Favor Gary with Belle

Gary and Belle!

Gary:  If we could get any three guests on the Por Favor Podcast, I’d have to choose people who would be willing to be silly and play along with Mike’s and my foolishness. I’m not saying I wouldn’t want great and informative guests on the show, but our style doesn’t mesh well with “hard-hitting” interviews. If we could get living legend Richard Sherman on the show, my life would be complete, but I feel like that episode wouldn’t be as fun as most of our others because I wouldn’t want to waste his time with our inside jokes and the constant grief Mike and I hurl at one another. There are certainly Disney celebrities who would get our “humor” so I’ll make my list with that in mind. 1. Dick Van Dyke 2. Patrick Warburton and 3. Neil Patrick Harris.

Mike:  1. Michael Eisner – I love, love, love Disney resorts and he was the one who transformed Walt Disney World into a major resort.  2.  Richard Sherman – I really enjoy Disney music, especially the Carousel of Progress theme song.  I would love to learn about Walt through him.  3.  George Brett – The Hall of Fame 3rd baseman of the Kansas City Royals and 1985 World Series Champion.  He was my favorite player growing up.  As a young nerd, I would wear my ‘Brett’ jersey to Fenway Park.  Hey, they all didn’t have to be Disney related, did they?

Book of Disney Parks Posters3.  What’s your Disney lucky charm – or most favorite, treasured Disney item?

Gary:  I wouldn’t say I have a specific Disney lucky charm, but I have lots of Disney items that I love having around because they remind me of what I love so much about the parks. If my house was on fire and all my truly important things were safe (wife, future child, photos, golf clubs, podcasting equipment, beer fridge) and I could run back in and grab one Disney item, I’d probably grab my “Just Married” Disney Christmas ornament. It has sentimental value because my wife and I got it on our honeymoon in Walt Disney World. If not that, then I really love my “Poster Art of the Disney Parks” book.Disney Ornament / Por Favor Gary

Mike's Donald 2MikeI couldn’t decide my favorite, so I will give you two.  First would have to be my Donald Duck 50th birthday stuffed animal.  I got it back in the 80’s when they were celebrating his 50th.  I kept the original tag on it.  Secondly, my wooden carved Donald Duck that I keep in my Disney figurine case.  Donald is my favorite character and when my dad was in Orlando on a business trip, he picked it up for me.  It was a great surprise when he came home.

Mike's Donald 1

4.  The one thing you love most about Walt Disney World?

Por Favor Gary with Donald Duck

Gary and Frontierland Donald

Gary:  One thing?! How dare you try and limit me to one thing to love about Walt Disney World? Ok, I’m sorry, it is your blog after all. I’ll play nice. I guess the thing I love most if I had to narrow it down is the shared feeling of wonderment. I guess that’s hard to quantify, but where else can you go where almost everyone you come across is having a good day. Little children, grandparents, grown men, families, and adults without kids all have that look in their eye. You can tell, even the most jaded and cynical of people can find something that blows their mind in Walt Disney World. I guess that’s what I love most.

MikeThe resorts.  I am not a morning person, but when I’m at Disney I wake up early.  I don’t think there is anything better than grabbing a cup of coffee, walking the resort and watching the sunrise.

5.  Best advice about podcasting you’ve ever received?  Or – What have you learned about life from podcasting?

Por Favor Gary and Gaston

My, what a guy, that Gary!

Gary:  I’m not sure if anyone has given me any specific advice about podcasting. I wish someone had told me before I started not to work with my cousin. Have you heard that guy? He’s a clown. (Just kidding Mike, you know I love ya!) The one thing I will say I learned about podcasting early on, is you can tell when someone doesn’t want to be there or doesn’t have the passion for it. If you are going to do it, give it your full effort. Mike and I decided early on that if we were going to record a podcast, we had to try and have decent audio quality and to release a show every week. Just because we were just starting out wasn’t an excuse for poor quality or an erratic schedule.

Por Favor Mike and Wife, Kristen

Mike and his better half, Kristen



MikeWe got such a nice email early on and here is a piece of it…….  ‘The “newness” of the show is what makes it great…try to hang onto that as long as possible.  Sometimes, as a show goes on, the hosts think they’re getting “better” (less mistakes, more “professional” sounding delivery, etc.), but what they think is “better” actually makes the show lose some of its charm’  The original format was/is of two friends who sit around in ‘Everything Pop’ with a cup of coffee who discuss Disney.  We wanted it to be simple and fun.

6.  Best advice about vacationing at a Disney park (you think everyone should know)?

Por Favor Gary and Donald

Gary and Donald showing off

Gary:  I’m trying to think of something unique or original for this answer, but I think the best thing to do while at a Disney park is to be willing to come out of your comfort zone. Don’t be “that guy” who thinks he’s too cool to try on the Mickey ears and take a picture with them on. Go on the “kiddie” rides and be a giant goofball. No one is going to think twice about a grown man enjoying the tea-cups or Dumbo at a Disney park. Take advantage of the fact that you can be as silly as you want and you’ll fit right in with most people.

MikeDo what you enjoy most.  If I were a Disney Vacation Planner, I would be more of a consultant and listen to what interests people.  Some people like to hit ‘rope drop’ and go all day.  My wife and I like to take it slow.  We enjoy a quick breakfast at one of the monorail resorts and then hit the parks.  We also like to go back to our resort in the afternoon and swim, have lunch, relax and read a bit.

7.  How did you first learn about Disney podcasts?  Was that your inspiration for starting one of your own?

Por Favor Gary Stylin' at WDW

Por Favor Gary showing his style

Gary:  I first sought out Disney podcasts when I was researching my honeymoon trip to Walt Disney World. I was doing tons of research in my free time; reading message boards, blogs and basically trying to consume as much info about Disney as possible. I was already a fan of podcasts, I listened to several comedy podcasts at the time and I figured I’d Google Disney podcasts. I figured there was probably one or two that existed. Much to my surprise I found many to choose from. I tried out a few and settled on my rotation of favorites that were a mix of information, humor and fun discussions. I was working in the radio industry at the time, so I gravitated towards the audio medium and I really appreciated the amount of work that goes into quality audio and good production values.

If you want a sappy answer as to why I wanted to start the Por Favor Podcast here goes. It gave me a reason to talk to my cousin on a weekly basis. I’ve always been really close to Mike despite the 10 year age difference. Over time we had drifted apart slightly. We just didn’t communicate as much as in the past. As it worked out, we started planning our big family trip in February of this year and Mike and I were talking almost daily about Disney and of course other nonsense. Mike brought up the idea of recording a podcast, and I figured it would be a great way to ensure we’d be talking at least once a week. It’s been really great reconnecting to Mike. I feel like we’re closer than ever now. By the way, Mike is going to give me a hard time for saying all this. He’ll bust my chops on an upcoming episode.

Mike's Pal Fenway (with Donald)

Mike’s buddy, Fenway, likes Donald too!

Fenway Stealing Donald

Fenway and Donald

MikeI’m a Dog-Walker/Pet-Sitter and I listen to podcasts all day.  Last summer, when I was working around the clock, I found Lou Mongello’s WDW Radio and fell in love with it.  I found a few similar podcasts, and I was hooked after that.  That was not my inspiration for doing a podcast.  I never thought about starting one.  Last year on Christmas Eve, I was talking with my uncle and he mentioned that he was taking the family to Walt Disney World in February and said that he would also like to take my wife and me.  Gary, his two sisters and I were like giddy teenagers getting ready for a dance.  We texted almost nightly and talked on Facebook to do our planning.  One night, Gary and I Skyped and we kind of talked about the idea of doing a podcast.  A few weeks later episode 000 was live on iTunes.  The age difference between us when I was living in Rhode Island was where I was chasing girls and Gary was watching cartoons.  When I moved to Minneapolis, the gap began to shrink.  We became very close and he would come out every few years and we’d play golf and go to Minnesota Twins baseball games.  This podcast isn’t about fame or money.  If it was supposed to be, we’re failing miserably.  It’s simply about having a chance to talk regularly with my best friend about our love of Disney.

8.  What Disney adventure (WDW visit, Disney Cruise Line, DVC membership, runDisney event, etc.) would you most like to see in your future?

Gary: The Disney adventure I’d most like to be a part of in the future is being able to go whenever I want. I don’t think I’d ever really get sick of the Disney parks, but I’d like to find out! I don’t want to live in Orlando or Anaheim, but if I could become a DVC member, it would “force” me to go to the parks at least once or twice a year. I’d be okay with that! If I’m picking a home DVC resort it would have to be either Beach Club or Wilderness Lodge. I could get used to either of those places I’m sure.

MikeWe are planning on relocating the Minneapolis D. Fauntleroy Studio to sunny Florida in the near future.  It’s a major sacrifice, but something I am willing to do to better the podcast.  No official press conference has been scheduled.  Anyway, here is the answer…My aunt, uncle and Por Favor Podcast contributor Mary are planning on being at Walt Disney World this December.  My wife and I plan on spending the weekend there and staying at the Grand Floridian.  I’ve always wanted to check that place out at Christmas.

Ready to listen to the Por Favor Podcast?  Visit the Por Favor website or download episodes from iTunes or Stitcher (if you like them, please give them a review!).

Follow the guys on Twitter: @PorFavorPodcast, @PorFavorGary, @PorFavorMike

Disney Rain Ponchos – More Than Just a Fashion Statement

Enjoying a Rainy Day / Disneys Hollywood StudiosNothing says Walt Disney World vacation like a rain poncho with Mickey Mouse on it.  The fact that we’re willing to pay $8 (technically $7.51) for a big piece of plastic and some snaps says a lot about how important it is for us to sport such stylish rainwear.  We all know it would save a big bunch of cash for a family of four to buy generic ponchos at the local dollar store.  Okay, okay – maybe we sometimes buy those pricey Disney ponchos out of necessity…I mean those unexpected afternoon “showers” can be extreme torrential downpours and maybe we left our cheapo ponchos back at the resort.  However I come by it, I wear my Disney poncho with pride – it adds a certain panache to my vacation wardrobe that cannot be underappreciated.  It also has other practical uses.  You didn’t know?  Well….I’ll be glad to enlighten you!  We need to get our $8-worth out of those puppies!!!Waiting for the bus to Downtown Disney

The Many Uses of a Disney Rain Poncho:

Protection from the elements – Using the poncho for its intended purpose.  When last we were at WDW, it didn’t just rain, it didn’t just pour – it HAILED!  We were huddled inside our ponchos in a tiny alcove outside the entrance to Tower of Terror waiting for our FastPasses to “mature” with about five minutes to go when a storm of biblical proportions struck.  Catch the video here.  Check out the poor guy who let his little one use his poncho (by the strollers) – he was soaked!

As a means to stay dry on water rides – No way would I ride Kali River Rapids without a poncho.  Getting soaked from head to toe would completely ruin Kali River Rapids / Disney's Animal Kingdommy day.  I’m not a fan of shoes that squish when I walk.  But I want to ride Kali, so I don my trusty poncho and let the river take me where it will.

As a seat cushion – a. k. a. Posterior Preserver – Have you ever decided to sit on the curb, in a sunny spot, in Magic Kingdom to stake out a favored parade viewing area?  That concrete can be scorching hot!  Like sitting-on-the-surface-of-the-sun hot.  Just slide that folded-up poncho under your buns and you are golden!  See?  Rain or shine, the poncho ROCKS!

Protect your gear – Say you want to go on Splash Mountain or even Pirates of the Caribbean and there’s a chance your camera, cell phone, or bag will get wet.  Wrap your poncho around your gear to make sure everything comes out safe and sound…oh, and dry, too.Disney Parks Poncho as a Salon Smock

Salon smock – You think I’m kidding?  Oh, I assure you I am not.  Tuck in the hood, add a towel around the neckline, secure the poncho tight with a clothes pin – and snip away.  Home or away, you can keep hair trimmings well away from a body with a Walt Disney World poncho!

Do you buy Disney rain ponchos?  Are there any uses that I’ve missed?




What IS it about Walt Disney World?

Trying on Hats at WDWIf you’re a fan of Disney vacations and you visit the Mouse as often as you can, you understand me.  You’ll also totally understand what it’s like to have friends and coworkers completely puzzled by this passion for Disney.  Yes, I’m talking about that most annoying of questions we Disney fans are constantly asked – “You’re going AGAIN?” – that query holds genuine puzzlement, usually with a sprinkling of scorn or worse, pity – as if we’re too immature or unsophisticated to know how and where to vacation properly.  “You do know that Disney World’s for little kids, right?”  Non-Disney fans ask me (and you, I’m sure) why we keep going to the same place for vacation over and over, year in, year out.  I save my answer for the ones I think really, genuinely want to know.  I’ve thought about my response a lot and I’ve had a lot of practice explaining what it is that makes Disney vacations so special to me.  I’ll tell Mother/Daughter Moment at WDWyou what it is and maybe you’ll leave me a comment and let me know why YOU love Disney vacations too.

What IS it about Walt Disney World?

Let me start with a couple of quotes – they’re basically the foundation of what Walt Disney World has meant to me over the years…

“Over at our place, we’re sure of just one thing: everybody in the world was once a child. So in planning a new picture, we don’t think of grown-ups, and we don’t think of children, but just of that fine, clean, unspoiled spot down deep in every one of us that maybe the world has made us forget and that maybe our pictures can help recall.”- Walt Disney

Waiting for Toy Story Midway Mania“Too many people grow up. That’s the real trouble with the world, too many people grow up. They forget. They don’t remember what it’s like to be 12 years old.” – Walt Disney

For me, that’s the major draw of Walt Disney World – remembering.  When I was a child, I couldn’t wait to grow up.  I dreamed of going to college, getting a good job, getting married one day…maybe having a couple of children of my own.  Over time, though, I think the pressures and responsibilities of becoming an adult and focusing on achieving your dreams can cause you to lose a part of yourself – that “original” person you once were before all that life happened to you.  When I’m at Walt Disney World, I rediscover that person – the first me.  The me that was more carefree, less full of the sense of responsibility that comes with being a grown-up.

I’m more patient, more interested in little details, more relaxed, and certainly…lighter, for Having fun at Old Key Westlack of a better word, when I’m on a Disney vacation.  I also think it gives my family a chance to get to know the original me a little bit more than they can at home when I’m worried about getting supper on the table, or whether washing whites or darks will have the biggest benefit for the immediate future.  At Walt Disney World, I totally let go of life’s troubles for a while – I’m not worried about how Joseph manages to make so many holes in his socks or how I’m going to help Megan pick out a new dress on my lunch hour and still make it back to the office to make a presentation on time.  We just have fun.  Together as a family, we are completely ourselves, being together, enjoying a wonderful, magical place.

In line at Disney“Dreams, ideas and plans not only are an escape, they give me purpose, a reason to hang on.” – Walt Disney

After every Disney vacation, we start planning the next one.  It may be far into the future, but we will be planning a way to return to the place that makes us so happy and holds some of our best memories.  We’ve got countdown calendars and when we’re having a bad day (bad week, heck – sometimes just a bad month), we use that future vacation as a reason to keep moving forward, solving problems, supporting each other, getting on with conquering whatever challenges come our way.

It’s become kind of rare for the four of us to be at home for supper these days, but when we have an evening together, we almost always do the same thing…At some point, one of us will silently raise their hand.  This is the “I’m going to Disney World” sign and, one at a time, as we notice what’s happening, we will each raise our hand.  Once we all have a hand raised, we carry1900 Park Fare - Meeting Pring Charming on as if nothing unusual has taken place – but we’ve each been reminded that no matter what’s happening today, we have something extraordinarily fun in our future.  We will all be returning to a place where we are uniquely happy, together.

“When you believe in a thing – believe in it all the way – implicitly and unquestionable.” – Walt Disney

I’d love to hear from you – What IS it about Walt Disney World?  What does it mean to you?

I Don’t Hate Disney’s Frozen – Really!

Snow White at Walt Disney WorldIt all started back in June when I wrote this blog post about how burned up I was over Snow White and Aurora getting kicked out of Princess Fairytale Hall – evicted to make room for Frozen’s Anna and Elsa.  Then I got busted by one of the hosts of the WDW NE Podcast (a podcast I happen to love and listen to regularly) tweeting about the Frozen takeover a few weeks back – I’d mentioned in a tweet that I had 10 ideas for how Walt Disney World could have incorporated Frozen into the World without pushing classic princesses out into the street.  So Paulie (@YoPaulieNJ) asked me to provide him with said 10 ideas for his perusal.

Next thing I know, in Episode 11 of the WDW NE Podcast, all four hosts (Mike, Sal, Dean, and Paulie) were debating the merits of each one of those 10 ideas.  (Be sure to listen to this show!!!)  Much strong language and hilarious discussion ensued.  As a result of all this – pretty much created by my own actions then carried on a wave of social media – I may have developed a teeny bit of a reputation for not liking Frozen as much as most other folks.

I’d like to dispel that rumor once and for all.  I do like Frozen (the movie) very much!  I can belt Festival of Fantasy Parade Frozenout every word of Let it Go to the car stereo as enthusiastically as the next person (even if my ability to actually hit those high notes is questionable).  I think Olaf and Sven are adorable side-kicks and Anna and Kristoff do indeed make the most darling couple!  I loathe Hans to the appropriate extent for being so mean and villainous.  Shoot!  I’m even taking a Disney cruise through the fjords of Norway next June knowing it will be full to the brim with Frozen tie-ins, merchandise, and superfans.  Yes, I do own the DVD and have enjoyed watching it on several occassions.  See?  I’m good, right?

I’m glad we could clear up that little misunderstanding.  While you’re here, I’d like to also share with you five very important life lessons I believe can be learned from Frozen and its beloved characters.  Here goes:

1.  If you accidentally injure your sibling while playing, you should be separated from that sibling for the foreseeable future…for everyone’s protection.  Does this only count in cases of magical power gone awry?  Because that one time when Megan dropped her baby brother headfirst onto the stacking donut toy did not result in any type of forced separation.  Does that make us bad parents?

2. If you’re orphaned at a young age and raised by the domestic help, you do not develop the ability to recognize unscrupulous men who want a relationship with you purely to steal your Disney's Frozen - Olaf Pinkingdom.  Good to know.

3. If you, as a young adult, go off to find yourself, it’s perfectly fine to have created a really great sidekick and then forget about/ignore them completely.  Seriously, I was a tad traumatized by Olaf being left out there on his own (nose-less, I might add) for an undisclosed amount of time.  I think there should be laws against that.  Is no one else bothered by this at all?!!?!?!?  I suppose the fact that he’s the most loving, selfless character in the movie means there was no harm caused by Elsa’s seemingly callous behavior.  But do we really know for sure?

4. Parents who discourage unique talents in their children by forcing them to hide their gifts cause a LOT of problems!  Especially if those parents go off and die instead of finding a magical tutor (a member of the Troll community perhaps?) to help the gifted child grow and develop their individuality in a healthy and productive way that does not involve shaming.  Just sayin’.

5. Trolls, maligned in both folklore and mainstream media, are actually very loving, nurturing, and caring creatures who are capable of raising a human child (my, there seem to be a lot of orphans in Scandinavia, no?) into a pretty decent adult…attachments to reindeer notwithstanding.

Don’t forget to listen to the WDW NE Podcast (available in all your favorite podcast-downloading locations).  Especially episode 11…which is pretty darned special, if I do say so myself.

How about YOU?  What were your important takeaways from Frozen?  What lessons did you learn from this delightful tale?