This post is really more a reminder to myself (and those of you who will identify with my predicament) than an admonition to the world at large. When it comes to Walt Disney World, I’ve gotten used to certain things being part and parcel of vacationing there – Price increases, stroller collisions with my legs, folks that try to squeeze their kids in front of me to see a parade, and having my view of Wishes blocked by either a woman filming the show by holding her iPad over her head or a really tall guy with his 8-year-old on his shoulders. These things, while irritating, are expected – I’m used to them.
Today I’m trying to figure out why other things still surprise me after all this time. When you get to the bottom of this list of things that I can’t get used to, please let me know – is it just me? Or do some of these still catch you off-guard from time to time.
Memo to Me: WDW – Stop Being Surprised
- Personal Space-Invaders – Probably I’m a little quirky since my personal zone tends to be fairly large unless I know you (and like you). It never ceases to amaze me how close complete strangers will come to rest near me. Touching me. Sweating. Ugh.
- Litterbugs – Seriously! Why I’m shocked by them, I have no idea. There must be hundreds of Cast Members who count on these trash slingers for job security. I want to run up to them so badly and say (in my best Southern accent), “Bless your heart! You were raised by folks who couldn’t afford a trash receptacle! Please, let me show you how to use one!”
- Unsupervised Children – True story: Raymond and I decide to take a break at Animal Kingdom one afternoon by grabbing a cocktail at the Dawa Bar and listening to the fantastic sounds of the Burudika band. We found seats at the bar, ordered our drinks, and just when I should have been soaking up the incredible atmosphere and enjoying a quiet moment with my favorite fella…I saw this little girl carefully studying some of the gorgeous plants in the landscaping.
She caught my attention because she was young and alone. Like maybe seven years old. I studied all the nearby adults trying to determine who she was with and nobody but me was paying any attention to her as she began tearing and stripping leaves off of a big, beautiful tropical plant. I was outraged! Surely her parents would notice and put a stop to the destruction. Never happened. These unattended children are everywhere – I don’t get it! Where are their parents? See? I’m shocked every time!!!
- Pickpockets (or Pick-strollers) – I know there are thieves everywhere, even at Disney World. That’s not actually what surprises me. It’s the people who are so completely trusting and unconcerned that they leave valuables in their parked strollers and leave their packages, purses, and backpacks unattended. Then, after not one tiny bit of caution was taken, these people act the outraged victims. Caution and common sense somehow get left at home. That’s what shocks me every time.
- “Only-Guest” Syndrome – I get that they paid a small fortune to vacation at Walt Disney World. I get that the lines are long, the Florida sun is hot, the theaters are crowded, the choice views are hard to secure – somehow this translates into some very ugly behavior! Line cutting, loud talking, flash photography on dark rides, NOT moving to the end of the row, but sitting in the middle, berating Cast Members over things beyond their control. I recently saw a photo posted on a Facebook group of a mature “gentleman” sitting in Bay Lake Tower’s Top of the World Lounge with his bare feet upon the table. It’s beyond my comprehension how oblivious this particular kind of guest can be.
I know! I need to get over it and do a better job of going with the flow so I stop being surprised by this negative stuff! Luckily, I’m still delighted and surprised when pixie dust finds me, when Cast Members take a few minutes to chat and share their vast Disney knowledge, when an unexpected Character meeting happens, when I spy a Hidden Mickey, or when I find a special pin or souvenir to take home. What things still surprise you on vacation at Walt Disney World?