Note: This is part 2 in a 3 part series. Part 1 is here.
Right now, when you make your first Disney World reservation under the My Disney Experience / MyMagic+ system (either on your own or through your favorite travel agent), you will receive a nifty package in the mail – a pretty big box for what it contains. Inside the box you will find an Incredibles-themed multi-media extavaganza to help you adjust to the MyMagic+ vacation experience. And every member of the Incredibles family is pictured wearing a Magic Band!
The box contains a flash-drive, information cards, and a booklet. Of particular interest was the card that says, “As an upcoming Disney Resort hotel Guest, you can take part in a new dimension of magic at Walt Disney World Resort. It’s called MyMagic+ and it makes the entire experience yours like never before. This is an exciting time and we hope you’ll pardon our “pixie dust” as we make the adjustments that come with any new experience. The enclosed booklet not only includes great information on your upcoming trip but details on how to make the very most of MyMagic+, too.” Intentional on Disney’s part or not, this card gave me a bad feeling about what kinds of systems glitches may be going on out there.
The booklet again – just like the videos and website – explains MyMagic+, Magic Bands, FastPass+, and My Disney Experience. Basically – however you’d like to learn about how you will now vacation at Disney World be it on paper, via video on your PC, at the website or on your smartphone the information is given to you in every possible form save billboard! At the very back of the booklet there is even a removable magnet – Dumbo! (an elephant never forgets) – with reminders for your trip – the date you can begin making dining reservations, the date you can begin selecting Fast Pass+ attractions and the date to begin online check-in. Darn you stainless steel refrigerator!
Insert flash drive now. Remember yesterday in Part 1 I mentioned that at the My Disney Experience website you could watch a movie starring Edna Mode that helps explain how to use the MDE resources? Well, the flash drive shows you a different movie (also starring Edna) that focuses more on Magic Bands and how all of the MyMagic+ elements will work together once you arrive at Disney World. The initial screen says there’s a “special message” parts one and two. I could never get to part two and after watching the first video – it would not let me see it a second time. Raymond used the flash drive first and never saw either “message” – it just took him straight to the website. Not sure what the deal is with that.
Other than the video, the purpose of the flash drive is to show you how to use the web site. If you’re like us and you’ve already found the site and app, the flash drive is unnecessary, but still a pretty cool prize to receive in the mail since it gets you excited about your trip.
If you’re still with me after parts 1 and 2, tomorrow we’ll talk Magic Bands!
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Hm, interesting… I’ve wondered who gets the flash drives. (I want one, but I’m pretty OK with the fact that I won’t get one. LOL.) I was running on a theory that they were mainly going to people who haven’t been to Disney in some time, but that doesn’t seem to be the case! So far, I don’t know anyone who has received it. I love the idea. It’s like Super Secret Spy mail.
Honestly, thanks for this; it’s a neat walk-through of something I just barely missed with my last trip! I got Magic Bands, but they were still testing them only at certain resorts, and didn’t have this level of marketing materials yet!
Two trips booked – got ALL the materials for one then only the booklets/cards for the other…they knew we already got the flash drive. I’m loving the materials and the extremes Disney is going to in order to educate everyone on MyMagic+. I SO want this to be an vacation enhancement and not a negative experience for people.
I don’t know anyone who doesn’t love mail from Disney.
So I’m betting this stuff is welcome for pretty much anyone!
And yes, I really hope the education pays off… The actual process (minus bugs) is really quite simple once you get into doing it, but it can look like too much at once – and even sound like it when people are describing it. I’m with you, I want it to work! It’s like the future is now!
I couldn’t agree with you more. This new system needs to work as well or better than the old one – they’re messing with people’s happiness!