I’m not whining. That’s not what this is. I’m not complaining either. I’m here stating facts: I’m angry and need a bit of talk therapy. You are my therapist today – I need a sympathetic ear about a few things I’ve got to get off my chest. Time to clear the air, so to speak, which doesn’t mean I’ve lost any love for Disney. The fact of the matter is that while I generally don’t mind change and often welcome it with open arms, sometimes change hurts. This is one of those times.

I will freely admit to being extra excited about some of the new things at Walt Disney World. It was (my opinion) way past time for Illuminations to make way for something new and I cannot wait to see Epcot Forever and whatever comes after that. I’m excited about Mickey and Minnie’s Runaway Railway. If the Great Movie Ride was never going to be updated, then a completely new experience is the way to go! I love Toy Story Land and I’m happy about Galaxy’s Edge if for no other reason than that the Studios had become a shadow of its former self.

If I’m ambivalent about the Skyliner and Disney Riviera Resort, it’s because I almost always stay at Bay Lake Tower and don’t expect I’ll be experiencing them anytime in the near future. I also don’t care about new dance parties of any variety, but get that for many guests, these experiences are a welcome way to create fun memories.

Now to the news that has really made me angry as few things have before. A change that I believe will hurt for quite some time to come. The Burudika Band in Disney’s Animal Kingdom will end its performances on October 13th when their contract with Disney expires. The Harambe section of the park will never be the same! The band’s contribution to the atmosphere and the joy the performers brought to guests with every performance cannot be ignored. We at least stopped to watch them for a few minutes or, more often, spent a good bit of time enjoying their music while sipping a beverage at the Dawa Bar. Burudika is Swahili for “to be refreshed” and soaking up those moments of perfect relaxation in Harambe created some of our family’s happiest vacation memories. The band isn’t the only live entertainment being cut, but this is the one that irks me the most. I love Animal Kingdom. I think I might love it a little bit less now.

Well, there it is. I’ve moved on from anger to sadness now and I’ve got something in my eye which will prevent me from writing more. Thanks for being here for me today – you’ve been a great help by allowing me to get these feelings out. I’ll be back soon with a better attitude. Maybe.