What do you do if you’re registered for runDisney events and then find out you’re pregnant? I just found out the answer and I’m here today to share everything I learned!
Megan’s Top 7 runDisney Training Tips (While Expecting)
by Megan Edwards
- Listen to your doctor – First and most importantly…your doctor has to be onboard or it’s a no-go. I was already running for a couple of years and was training for four future races when I found out Grant and I were expecting. My doctor has enthusiastically encouraged me to continue running as long as everything is progressing normally. She’s a firm believer that fitness = easier delivery. I’m all for that!
- Listen to your body – I was expecting changes in a nebulous non-specific way and at first, everything was great. Then I began to suffer from nearly daily morning sickness, but could usually shake it off with some crackers or dry toast. I started being better prepared and kept something by the bed to munch on first thing in the morning, which really helped. When lower back pain and/or abdominal ligament pain started bothering me while running, I added plenty of walk breaks as necessary. Sometimes I shortened a run, but never cancelled one…which brings me to…
- Stick to the plan – There were plenty of days when I was so tired after work, I just wanted to go home and go to sleep. On those days it took a lot to talk myself into going to the gym. I never once regretted going and always felt much more energetic after a workout. I’m not going to lie – making excuses and indulging in the occasional pity-party was almost too tempting to resist, but I did it and you can too.
- Comfort takes practice – Changes happened so fast leading up to the Fairy Tale Challenge (I was exactly 20 weeks along for the races), I had a hard time figuring out how to be comfortable. I ordered knit belly bands and while they’d feel great on short runs, they’d feel hot and restrictive on long run days.
I started having to pay close attention to my running form to minimize lower back issues. As race weekend approached, I finally decided on KT Tape as the best solution and it worked unbelievably well! I followed YouTube tutorials for taping both under my baby bump and lower back – made all the difference in the world. Try different things and when you find what works best for you, go with it!
- Find running wear through trial and error – Without going into too much detail here, almost all my usual running wear got uncomfortable as the weeks passed. Running capris that felt great when I put them on would cut into my waist after a couple of miles. I needed different running bras and roomier shirts. I sometimes wore too many layers on cold days and got overheated before I realized what was happening. When I found a super-comfortable running skirt at the very last minute while checking out the booths at the runDisney race expo, it was a miracle! I hadn’t been so comfortable in months. Keep searching, try lots of different things, and don’t give up.
- Fuel and hydration are more important than ever – It’s hard when you feel nauseous to keep sipping water, but staying hydrated while pregnant is critical even if you’re not running in warm weather. Prior to the Fairy Tale Challenge, I ran both a 10K and half-marathon at home. Avoiding heavy foods before a run was imperative (I used to enjoy a big breakfast!). I found that eating something like a Cliff Bar about an hour before race-time worked well (and stayed down). I also took a couple of packets of GU Energy Gel along with me, then alternated between PowerAde and water along the race course. In my case, low blood sugar brought nausea on quickly, so preparing ahead of time to avoid that was important. Disney passed out Sport Beans on the half-marathon course. They were delicious and provided a welcome boost of energy.
- Making magical memories is worth the effort – I wouldn’t change a thing! My mom and my brother had both completed runDisney events before I had the chance to join in the fun. I’ll be a mom myself before I do my next runDisney races, which made this such a special time for me. The volunteers on the race course, the Disney characters, the cheering spectators – it was all exactly as I hoped it would be. Running down Main Street U.S.A. in the early morning light was unforgettable and hearing the announcer call out my name as I crossed the finish line made me feel like a rock star. I’m looking forward to telling my daughter someday how she was with me when I took on the Fairy Tale Challenge and we completed it together.
I’ll be looking for a good jogging stroller this summer – if you have any suggestions, I’d love the advice! – Megan
Great post! I’m 17 weeks pregnant and have completed 3 halfs since I found out, with the Star Wars Half still on the schedule. I’m also a Type 1 diabetic, so I know those low blood sugar episodes all too well! I’ve had to skip or cut runs short because my glucose numbers just weren’t cooperating, and I’d rather not run the risk of passing out! The KT tape is a great idea. I’ve ordered a belly band, and am also looking into the FITSplint, but I can only imagine how warm they’ll get on longer/hotter runs. I have to carry so much stuff with me in my waist belt, I’ve found turning it around so it bounces on my butt instead of my bump has been a godsend, lol!
Thanks, Jessica! I’ll let Megan know you said so. Great suggestion for wearing that waist belt backwards! Last year’s Star Wars Half was might warm…here’s hoping you have cool-ish weather for it. Congratulations on your pending family expansion!!! Thanks for stopping by & please visit again to let us know how your next runDisney event goes. – Lisa
Thank you so much! Yes, I too am hoping for semi-cool weather in April. This will be my third time the race, but the track record hasn’t been great temperature-wise! I completely forgot to mention in my comment, but one other tip I have for expecting moms is to pick up the mini medal replica pin at the expo. I held it up next to my actual medal in a photo after the January Half to show that the “two of us” completed the race, and thought it’d make a great momento for the future!
Oh my goodness! That is brilliant (and adorable). Can’t wait to tell Megan! She bought the pins for the half and the challenge.
I never even thought of KT tape for the bump! What a great idea! Congrats on a great challenge, Megan! I’m glad you enjoyed it! PS – I love my Bob jogging stroller (and so does Brayden)
Thanks, Karen! If you hear or know of anyone selling a used Bob, please let us know.
amen megan on KT TAPE. been a life safer for this old guys knees & back
I’ve used it a time or two myself & it’s amazing.